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Zhongying Internet publicly claimed that it is preparing for the first of the A-share listed companies in the digital currency trading platform.

This article Source: Finance Network · Chain Finance , the original title "Save capital chain break risk A-...


The Ripple case: Over or Underdog Victory?

Missed the latest in crypto this weekend? Catch up on the top stories here!


Insurance giant Marsh has customized a full insurance plan for encrypted custodians, can cryptocurrency traders “sit back and relax”?

According to Coindesk's September 24 report, Marsh & McLennan, the world's largest insurance brokerage ...


FTX Hacker Strikes Again - This Time with Style!

The 72,000 ETH stolen from FTX last year has resurfaced for the first time since the hack, as transactions have emerg...


99% of the transaction volume is fraudulent, what is left behind the false prosperity of the currency circle?

The amount of trading fraud has been ridiculous for the people of the coin circle, but all along, there are always bl...


LianGuairadigm, the top cryptocurrency institution, is facing community resistance and significant changes in its leadership. What is happening?

Fred, co-founder of LianGuairadigm, has stepped down from his role as managing partner and will continue on as a gene...