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A Hilarious Hack: HTX Loses $13.6 Million, But the Jokes Are On the Hackers

Exciting new information has come to light regarding the HTX hacker, who managed to swindle $13 million from hot wall...


Coinbase Takes Legal Action Against SEC for Regulatory Ambiguity in Crypto Industry

Coinbase has proactively taken legal action against the SEC to address the regulatory uncertainty surrounding cryptoc...


Clearpool’s Credit Vaults: Empowering Borrowers in DeFi Lending

Clearpool, a revolutionary decentralized finance (DeFi) lending protocol, has unveiled a game-changing product called...


The Rise and Fall of Solana and its Memecoins: A Wild Rollercoaster Ride in the Crypto Market 🎢

The Solana ecosystem saw tremendous growth in popularity towards the end of last year, largely due to the success of ...


Dominance of Stablecoin Issuance: USDT and USDC Surge 📈💸

KuCoin Research has released its March report, showcasing the significant role of Tether (USDT) stablecoin issuance i...


Worldcoin’s Transition: From Stablecoins to Crypto Rewards

Fashionistas, get ready! Worldcoin Foundation just announced that starting November 2023, Orb operators will now be p...