New York State MP: You don't have to be low-key, you have to promote the blockchain!

New York State MP: You don't have to be low-key, you have to promote the blockchain!

On May 10th, New York State Assemblyman Clyde Vanel said at the Ethereum Summit held by ConsenSys that the blockchain industry needs to promote its own industry and let the regulators fully understand the blockchain technology.

Clyde Vanel said that industries based on cryptocurrency and blockchain should promote their achievements and strive to penetrate the public. In this emerging industry, what we often see is that good things don't go out, bad things pass thousands of miles. Really good projects are therefore drowning in the speculation and questioning. This is also a big reason people are skeptical about this industry.

A few key factors driving the image of this industry are the community, policy makers, legislators and other important tasks in the industry. Therefore, it is crucial to focus on the popularization and education of these roles.

Clyde Vanel also believes that states have a responsibility and obligation to promote the development of cryptocurrency and blockchain regulations. He also particularly appreciated the state of New York's cautious approach in this regard, especially in protecting investors, such as in January this year, the State of New York established the first US cryptocurrency working group.

The working group is dedicated to studying the regulation, use and definition of digital currency. Julie Samuels, executive director of New York City tech: NYC, said: "There is no doubt that in the next few years, cryptocurrency and blockchain will have a major impact on financial and other industry sectors globally."

Last summer, Washington’s federal regulator heard a panel of testimony about cryptocurrency. Although some members have proposed positive regulatory measures and are open to such assets. But some people compare it to Ponzi schemes and crime tools.

Author: Kiran
Remarks: Bitcoin86 manuscript article, please indicate the source. The article is an independent view of the author and does not represent the standing position.

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