Rare sats: A system overview of rare sats. What are the types of rare sats and the search tools available?

Overview of Rare Satellites: Types and Search Tools

Recently, there has been a lot of discussion within the BRC ecosystem about Rare Cones. The Ordinals research community, Ordinals World, has systematically sorted out Rare Cones, taking stock of their different types and representative projects, and analyzing Rare Cone search tools.

Bitcoin’s unique cyclical events (halving, difficulty adjustment, block generation, etc.) and milestone events (the first Bitcoin transaction, etc.) have formed a rare system, naturally creating a culture of rare satoshis. Ancient rare satoshis include: 1) Block 9, the oldest circulating satoshis in Bitcoin representing the Ordinal Maxi Biz project; 2) Block 78, satoshis minted by Hal Finney representing the NFT project Abstraordinals and the BRC20 project FHAL BRC20; 3) Nakamoto satoshis, minted by Satoshi Nakamoto; 4) Vintage satoshis, the first 1000 blocks of Bitcoin; 5) 1st TX satoshis, 10 BTC sent by Satoshi Nakamoto to Hal Finney on January 12, 2009.

Common rare satoshis include: 1) Epic satoshis, the first satoshis after each halving, with a total of 32 and 3 already mined; 2) Rare satoshis, the first satoshis after each difficulty adjustment period, with a total of 3437 and 369 already mined, representing the CTRL project; 3) Uncommon satoshis, the most common rare satoshis, the first satoshis of each block, with a total of 69,929,999 and 793,901 already mined, representing the InscribedPepes project. Interesting satoshis include: 1) Pizza satoshis, 10,000 BTC used to purchase 2 pizzas by programmer Laszlo Hanyecz on May 22, 2010, representing the Misprint Frogs V1 project; 2) Blockinglindrome, satoshis that read the same forwards and backwards, representing the Bitcoin Bees project; 3) JPEG, possibly the first Bitcoin transaction used to purchase a JPEG on February 24, 2010.

To check for rare satoshis, visit http://sating.io and input your address. Only beta users can extract rare satoshis at this time. The site supports Inscribed custom rare satoshis. A tip: make it a habit to check your own address for rare satoshis after each transaction.

Reference: https://twitter.com/OrdzWorld/status/1667909353364684800

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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