a16z will open an office in London and plans to launch a blockchain accelerator project.

a16z to launch blockchain accelerator in London office.

Officially announced by a16z, the venture capital firm will be opening its first office outside of the United States in London. The new office, which will be led by General Partner Sriram Krishnan, is set to open later this year. The team will focus on developing the cryptocurrency and startup ecosystem in the UK and Europe. Additionally, a16z plans to hold the next Crypto Startup School in London in the spring of 2024.

As we solidify our position as a tech superpower in the UK, we must embrace new innovations like Web3, supported by blockchain technology, which will allow startups to thrive and drive economic growth here. This success is built on proper regulation and safeguards to protect consumers and foster innovation. While there is still work to be done, I am determined to unlock opportunities for this technology and make the UK the world center for Web3. That’s why I am delighted that world-leading investor Andreessen Horowitz has decided to open their first international office in the UK – it demonstrates our world-class universities and talent, as well as our strong competitive business environment.

Reference: https://a16z.com/2023/06/11/exBlockingnding-uk/

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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