L&G, the UK's largest insurance group, uses Amazon's blockchain services to manage and record large-scale pension transactions

According to Coindesk's June 13 report, an insurance company in the UK has adopted Amazon&ap...

Proficient in IPFS | IPFS startup start function

In the system startup, a total of two start functions are executed, one is the preStart function,...

BTC rushed to the top of the dawn, this week's closing performance was critically sharp

Abstract: Overnight BTC completed a new high of nearly 10 trading days after the 8200 line was pi...

Where is the blockchain enterprise settled? 7 urban blockchain special support measures competition

On June 11, a number of media reported in detail the "Three Measures for Accelerating the De...

Ethereum Essence: Complex Consensus Agreement Operation

Background introduction The most important part of a distributed system is its consensus layer. B...

Why is it true that Facebook currency is really important?

It will open a new era of social networking business and payment. Facebook's entry into the ...

DApp's "AARRR" User Operation Strategy (on) | PANews Report Interpretation

This article is an excerpt from the report "DApp "AARRR": ETH/EOS/TRON three publi...

Google zooms in and builds a hybrid cloud blockchain application using ChainLink Oracle

On Thursday, tech giant Google Cloud developer said in a blog post that Ethereum application buil...

DeFi Lending Overview | May 2019 News

Foreword: DeFi has grown rapidly in recent months, with borrowing reaching new highs. With the up...