Shanghai will complete the work on the virtual currency trading venue before November 22

Source: China Securities Journal · China Securities Network

The China Securities Journal reporter was informed that the Shanghai Financial Stability Joint Office and the People's Bank of China Shanghai Headquarters Mutual Rehabilitation Office jointly issued the "Notice on Launching the Renovation of Virtual Currency Trading Places" (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice") on November 14. .

The notice pointed out that with the promotion and promotion of blockchain technology in the near future, virtual currency speculation has shown signs of rising. In order to prevent the resurgence of resurgence, according to the relevant arrangements of the National Mutual Remediation Office, the district rectification offices are required to explore the following virtual currency-related activities within the jurisdiction: Organize virtual currency transactions in China; secondly, issue virtual currency in the form of “XX coins” and “XX chain” on the grounds of “blockchain application scenarios, etc., raise funds or virtual currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum; It provides services such as promotion, drainage, agency trading, etc. for ICO projects and virtual currency trading platforms registered overseas.

The notice pointed out that it is necessary to complete the mapping work before November 22nd. Once the Internet companies engaged in the above-mentioned virtual currency related activities are found, they will immediately submit them to the Shanghai Financial Stability Joint Office (the Municipal Local Financial Supervision Bureau) and the Shanghai Headquarters of the People's Bank of China. Immediately rectify and quit, play early and play small.

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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