The Blockchain Electronic Invoice Extreme Edition is launched on WeChat.The fastest time to open the invoice is 30 minutes.

Source of this article: Economic Observation Network

Reporter Du Tao


On March 2nd, Shenzhen Taxation Bureau and Tencent Blockchain and WeChat Pay launched the Blockchain Electronic Invoice Express Edition, which quickly registered and opened the Blockchain Electronic Invoice function in 30 minutes.

Li Haohao, Director of the Tax Collection and Technology Development Division of Shenzhen Taxation Bureau, introduced that taxpayers have the qualification to use blockchain electronic invoices when they successfully apply for a business. They only need to log in to the electronic taxation bureau to enable taxes, bind service providers and open WeChat. The merchant account can use the fast version of the blockchain electronic invoice. Currently, it supports WeChat payment invoicing mode and unlimited code scanning mode.

Blockchain electronic invoice is "transaction is invoicing", and invoicing based on real transaction orders or payment behavior is generally considered to effectively reduce false invoicing, which is also the basis for unlimited use of corporate tickets.

A tax expert told reporters that in the current actual economic behavior, the tax department restricts the use of invoices by enterprises to prevent invoice crimes. Therefore, the control of invoices is limited.

"If the blockchain electronic invoice is fully established, it is actually equivalent to integrating payment with actual economic behavior and invoices, and the data is directly shared with the tax bureau. The existence of invoices will be reduced." Said the tax expert.

As early as 2018, the Shenzhen Taxation Bureau has launched the pilot promotion of blockchain electronic invoices in Shenzhen.It has been widely used in hundreds of industries such as financial insurance, retailer supermarkets, hotel catering, and Internet services, with a cumulative registration of 1.5. Ten thousand enterprises have invoiced more than 16.84 million and the invoiced value exceeds 13.2 billion yuan.

According to the Economic Observation Network, in order to make the blockchain electronic ordinary invoices quickly radiate more small and micro enterprises without development capabilities, the Shenzhen Municipal Taxation Bureau and Tencent have launched a development plan to upgrade the original WeChat payment invoicing function. Simplify the complicated parameter configuration to the maximum extent, and launched the blockchain electronic invoice speed edition recently.

According to the Shenzhen Taxation Bureau, the invoicing company only needs to register and configure online, and can open the e-ticketing eligibility of the blockchain electronic ordinary invoice as soon as half an hour. Consumers can enter the invoicing application page by scanning the code or payment receipt. Mobile phone program review, no need to collect tickets, no need to purchase special equipment, no paper invoice delivery, and use the ticket to achieve no contact throughout the process.

For ticket users, blockchain electronic invoices do not need to receive invoices and be equipped with special equipment, and there is no limit on the number of votes, especially the newly launched blockchain electronic invoices. No docking, there is no "empty window period" for tickets. In addition, electronic invoices eliminate the need for paper invoice management such as storage, counting, counting, and statistics, saving labor costs, reducing the probability of invoice management errors, and avoiding credit rating deductions due to lost invoices.

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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