The country's first blockchain government service platform is on the line

Chongqing, which leads the country with “big data intelligence”, has ushered in new technological innovations. Recently, the country's first blockchain government service platform was launched in Chongqing. The time for registering a company has been shortened from the past ten days to as fast as three days, and the efficiency of the service has increased five times. This is the first time Chongqing has used Alipay blockchain technology to solve the practical problems of ordinary people and enterprises.

In the past, registered companies had to fill in the information multiple times and submit the information repeatedly. It took ten days to complete the process. Now, as long as you log in to the “Chongqing Online Service Hall” website and submit the materials in one place, you will complete all the steps such as applying for business license, seal engraving, applying for invoice and bank account opening. You can wait for the license, less than 3 working days. It can be done.

Behind the convenience is Alipay's self-developed financial-grade blockchain technology with high performance, global deployment and strong privacy protection. User-submitted materials are stamped from the time they are generated, transferred, stored, and used, ensuring that the entire process is traceable and non-tamperable. Once the business license is approved, the data is pushed to the blockchain in real time to ensure the trusted circulation and sharing of data between departments. The public security, taxation, and banking will delink the data in real time and initiate the processing of their respective matters. In other words, the information submitted by the entrepreneurs at one time can be used by other departments and no longer needs to be submitted repeatedly.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Chongqing Municipal Government Office, Chongqing government affairs service introduced the Alipay blockchain technology, which realized “data running, people running less errands”, improved service efficiency and satisfaction of the masses, and effectively improved the business environment of enterprises. . In the future, we hope to apply blockchain technology to more people's livelihood areas.

Data from Alipay shows that its blockchain technology has landed more than 40 scenarios, and the efficiency of the work has increased by an average of 10,000 times. Alipay's blockchain application technology patent has ranked first in the world for three consecutive years. Previously, Alipay blockchain has been widely used in public welfare, commodity traceability, food safety and other fields.

Jiang Guofei, vice president of Alipay's parent company, said that the revolutionary value of the blockchain is to change the production relationship and let valuable things flow at high speed. More and more landing applications have proved that the blockchain is not a bubble, it is already serving the real economy, greatly improving the efficiency of the entire society.

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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