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Beginner's Guide | Why choose a highly liquid exchange?

Source: Medium Translation: First Class (First.VIP) Liquidity is the most important concept that everyone needs to un...


Overview of International Cryptocurrency Regulatory Agencies

We have studied 45 countries, including G20 member countries, as well as countries with the highest adoption rate of ...


The game of the exchange after the BCHSV "belowed"

The representative of the BSV community, Craig S Wright (CSW), has always claimed to be Nakamoto, and the people in t...


Will NOVA be the next Pepe? Analysis from the perspective of trading techniques.

"Ten years of speculation in cryptocurrency can all be in vain, but a successful gamble on meme can make you live in ...


The Digital Currency in the Eyes of Economists - The Exchange: The Glory of the King

Digital Currency in the Eyes of Economists: Series Preface The digital currency in the eyes of economists – Cla...


WIRED Investigating the Mysterious Hacker Incident on the Day of FTX Bankruptcy

Author | Wired Translated | Wu Shuo Blockchain Original Link https// w...