2 days countdown! 64.8% of this New Year's Eve speech are new friends outside the circle

Blockchain and non-blockchain are two completely separated worlds. The blockchain circle is a slightly closed circle. Here there is a unique mission pursuit, a unique culture, a unique joke, and even a unique style. WeChat circle of friends.

Until October 25, the two worlds began to interact. But do you know how many outsiders are paying attention to blockchain now?

Our data is that there may be 64.8%.

On December 27, Tang Xialing, vice president / editor of Babbitt and the initiator of Lingting Blockchain, will bring the world's first blockchain year-end speech in Hangzhou, Lingting 2020.

Prior to this, we opened the registration channel at the event bank, and finally received more than 1,000 (1025) applications in total.

These registration data are very interesting, share with you.

How many people are in the blockchain circle? The percentage is 27.5%. What about outsiders? 64.8%, the remaining 7.7% are individuals, organizations and others. It is equal to saying that one third of the guests who pay attention to this blockchain new year's speech turned out to be outsiders! Of course, this includes a group of cryptocurrency investors who are not necessarily blockchain practitioners.

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Who are the people outside this circle?

From the data point of view, they come from 43 different physical industries . Among them, the number of applicants for investment, software and media was the largest. Then finance and college!

This shows that investors' sensitivity to new technologies is indeed not ordinary, and the software and financial industries are nominated in the top four. It is normal for the media to rank third. This is the hottest industry event at the end of 2019. None of them. It is unexpected that the number of college applicants is so high. It may be speculated that the blockchain has successfully attracted the attention of these highly intelligent businessmen. They are not sensitive to business, but they have a unique vision of technological development in the frontier field.

Looking further, we find that the proportion of directors and founders in the registration crowd is very high, 31%. The vice president, director and department leader accounted for about 16%. The proportion of managers, supervisors and responsible persons is about 15%, and the other proportions are 38%.

In other words, the proportion of guests at this event is 62% of executives! It can be seen that the industry's senior talents are indeed more sensitive to the blockchain.

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Looking at the last data, this multi- year speech, more than 1,000 guests from 59 different cities around the world , the top five are Hangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen and Chongqing. Overall, it covers most of China , City, autonomous region. In addition, there are people from overseas cities such as Dubai, Vancouver, Kuala Lumpur, Brisbane, and Washington. I can only guess that this is the Chinese returning home for Christmas.

Why do these people travel all the way to Hangzhou to listen to a blockchain New Year's Eve speech, and it takes three hours to sit?

I have selected a few comments, let's take a look together.

We are all past the age of talking about dreams, but I want to be more certain while listening to 2020, we are creating a new era.

——Zhao Zeyi, CEO of Xi'an Dingang Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.

I hope there is the most cutting-edge information in the industry, and you can also meet the elites in the industry!

——Li Hangqun, Founding Partner of Orange Venture Capital

Listen to different voices of the industry, gain insight into the development path of the industry, and look for better cooperation opportunities.

——Ju Yi, City Manager, Hainan Amway Technology Co., Ltd.

Learn new thinking and new trends. Get together, help, share, and advance together.

——Wang Xuegang, Founder of Xiaoyanke

Blockchain technology is coming. How will it affect traditional industries like design institutes? Worth looking forward to.

——Summer of Zhejiang Urban Construction Planning and Design Institute

This past ten years, I want to find the wealth of life here.

——Students from Shanghai University of Science and Technology

Find business scenarios for commercial landing and analyze the direction of industry development.

——Ms. Fang, Vice President of Lianlian Payment

I want to study the role of blockchain in transportation industry supervision and mass service.

——Qiu Yan, Director of the Information Center of Quzhou Transportation Bureau

I have rarely participated in blockchain activities in the past year, and I need to communicate with the industry.

——Alibaba blockchain expert Cong Depeng

Find more industry certainty, and explore the road of blockchain industrialization with partners.

—— Lou Danfeng, Chairman of Hangzhou Diancun Technology Co., Ltd.

On December 27, the blockchain industry's largest cross-border, most multi-regional and most elite gathering event came! If you ca n’t get there, yearn for it, hurry up and watch the live broadcast on iQiyi, and pay attention to this feast of industry ideas.


We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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