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FTX's Big Sell Grayscale and Bitwise Assets On the Market for $744M

FTX creditors have requested approval from an investment advisor for the sale of trust assets and related procedures.


ChainsMap Weekly Report: Data Decrease During Long Holiday, Binance Bitcoin Inflow Declines 44%

Beijing Lian'an focuses on blockchain security and data services. The following is a weekly report on the Bitcoi...


Is CoinDesk selling at a loss with a valuation of $125 million after being in business for ten years?

On the occasion of its tenth anniversary and after being held by DCG Group for eight years, CoinDesk, the cryptocurre...


Jump Trading's Crypto Waterloo: Forced to Exit US Crypto Trading Market, Facing Terra Class Action Lawsuit

For Jump Trading, the traditional high-frequency trading giant in the encryption circle, the past year has undoubtedl...


Coinbase CEO: Almost every economic field is struggling, and Bitcoin is the currency people need at this moment

Editor's Note: This article has been deleted without changing the original intention of the author. Coinbase, a ...