Baidu, Ant, and Tencent on the Forbes Blockchain Top 50: Industry Blockchain Weekly Highlights

By Wang Qiao

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This week, Forbes released a list of the top 50 blockchains. Chinese technology giants Baidu, Ant Financial, and Tencent were on the list. The continuous changes in the banking industry have put pressure on traditional financial institutions. HSBC will lay off 35,000 people and dump $ 100 billion. Assets to address the challenges of disruptive technologies such as blockchain.

Secondly, the Federal Reserve has also begun researching digital currencies. The Bahamas will launch digital currency of the central bank in the second half of this year.

The following is a summary of industry blockchain news from February 14, 2020 to February 20, 2020.

I. Industry Information and Reviews

Forbes releases list of top 50 blockchains, Baidu, Ant Financial, and Tencent are on the list

On February 19, Forbes announced the list of the top 50 blockchains. Organizations entering the top 50 need revenue or valuations of more than $ 1 billion. The list includes many industry giants from finance and technology, such as JP Morgan, Citibank, HSBC, ING Group, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, BMW, General Electric, Honeywell, IBM, Intercontinental Exchange, Nasdaq, LV, Mastercard, Samsung, Wal-Mart, etc., Chinese technology giants Baidu, Ant Financial and Tencent are on the list. Other Chinese companies include China Construction Bank and Foxconn. (Than push)

Comment: The listing of domestic companies is good for the entire blockchain industry. In addition to these three, there are also Chinese companies such as Foxconn and HTC.

HSBC will lay off 35,000 people and dump $ 100 billion in assets to meet the challenges of disruptive technologies such as blockchain

HSBC plans to fire about 35,000 global employees over the next three years, accounting for 15% of its total workforce. Its chief executive Noel Quinn revealed that the bank also plans to dump billions of dollars in assets by the end of 2022.

The continuous changes in the banking industry have put pressure on traditional financial institutions that are struggling to deal with the disruptive forces brought by emerging technologies such as blockchain. Back in 2017, HSBC appointed an advisory group to explore ways to integrate blockchain, artificial intelligence, and biometrics into its business models. (The Daily Hodl)

Comment: Technology will bring a new round of talent innovation, and the digitalization process of banks will be further accelerated. It is necessary to respond in advance.

China Unicom combines artificial intelligence, blockchain and other technologies to achieve comprehensive smart site management

In the tide of resumption of work and resumption of production, China Unicom is taking advantage of its unique innovative technological advantages, using new technologies such as 5G, big data, cloud-network integration, and cloud computing to combine data with a little centralized advantage to promote the resumption of production of major projects. Among them, the "5G Smart Construction Site" project in Yizhuang Economic and Technological Development Zone created by China Unicom and China Construction Group.

The "5G Smart Construction Site" project has achieved a number of breakthroughs: the use of a "one-pass, multi-energy, four-drive" architecture, a customized 5G network, and implementation of 5G real-name dual-monitoring supervision around construction management of human, machine, material, law, environment, and measurement System, 5G dual 360-degree spatial three-dimensional real-time monitoring system, 5G intelligent information island, multi-dimensional security monitoring system, 5G operation surface supervision system, 5G + smart drawing technology, and other functions, combined with artificial intelligence, blockchain, cloud computing Technologies such as edge computing and big data have opened up a number of innovative applications to achieve comprehensive smart site management. (Xinhuanet)

Comment: The traditional construction industry is also merging with new technologies such as big data, cloud computing and AI, and is gradually changing towards digitalization, virtualization and information.

Beijing Municipal Affairs Service Bureau uses blockchain technology to promote the application of electronic certificates

It is understood from the Beijing Municipal Affairs Service Bureau that at present, the online service rate of two-level government service matters in urban areas (according to the application of category 6 + public services) has reached over 97%. It is understood that the Municipal Affairs Service Bureau, in conjunction with the Municipal Economic Information Bureau and the Shunyi District Government, with the strong support of more than 60 relevant departments in the urban area, uses blockchain technology to vigorously promote the application of electronic certificates in integrated window services. (People's Network)

Comment: The digitalization of electronic certificates is a major breakthrough in government services. Blockchain technology is used to allow data exchange between various departments and improve service efficiency.

Shanghai has introduced 20 epidemic prevention measures for cultural enterprises and encourages them to use new technologies such as blockchain

The Propaganda Department of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee recently issued "Several Policies and Measures to Fully Support and Serve the Smooth and Healthy Development of Epidemic Prevention and Control of Cultural Enterprises in Shanghai" (referred to as "Article 20 of Shanghai Cultural Enterprises"). One of them pointed out that it is necessary to deepen the integration and development of culture and technology. Encourage cultural enterprises to make full use of new technologies such as the Internet, the Internet of Things, big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, blockchain, and mobile communications to cultivate and expand new formats such as e-sports, digital animation, online travel, smart media, and digital cultural blogs. A group of high-growth innovative small and medium-sized cultural enterprises. (Surging news)

Comment: Affected by the epidemic, various regions and industries are stepping up to make up for shortcomings in science and technology.

Hangzhou Red Cross issues Zhejiang's first blockchain donation e-ticket

On February 19, the Hangzhou Red Cross officially launched the blockchain donation electronic bill function, and issued the first blockchain donated electronic bill in Zhejiang Province. (Sina)

Comment: Blockchain electronic invoices can make billing faster and donations more transparent.

Bahamas to launch central bank digital currency in second half of 2020

The President of the Central Bank of the Bahamas John Rolle confirmed yesterday that the digital currency of the Central Bank of the Bahamas will be launched in the second half of 2020. Since December 2019, the first pilot of the "Sand Dollar" project in Exuma has made good progress. The central bank governor believes that the digital Bahamian dollar will help accelerate the provision of financial services needed to support the recovery of the business sector. (Bitcoinist)

Comment: Third world countries are more active on digital currencies and their landing speed is relatively fast.

The central bank and other departments: Actively promote the financial pilot in the Lingang New Area and actively explore new technologies such as blockchain

On February 14, the People's Bank of China announced that the People's Bank of China, the Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the Foreign Exchange Bureau, and the Shanghai Municipal Government officially issued the "Opinions on Further Accelerating the Construction of the Shanghai International Financial Center and Financial Support for the Integrated Development of the Yangtze River Delta ".

The Opinions put forward 30 specific measures from the aspects of actively promoting the financial pilot in the Lingang New Area, accelerating the opening up of Shanghai's financial industry at a higher level, and financially supporting the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta. These include supporting the development of key industries with international competitiveness in Lingang New Area. Support financial institutions and large-scale technology companies to set up fintech companies in the region according to law, actively and steadily explore the application of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing, and blockchain in the financial field, and attach importance to the cultivation of fintech talents. (Every net)

Comment: Enlarging the opening of the financial industry to the outside world is a long-term policy orientation of China, and financial technology is essential.

IDC predicts that 10% of Chinese cities will start using digital currencies by 2023

IDC Consulting released on February 17 the top ten predictions for the Chinese blockchain market in 2020, including cross-border payments, blockchain services, and digital currencies. Among them, IDC predicts that by 2023, 10% of cities in China will start using blockchain-based digital currencies to promote economic stability and e-commerce development. (Securities Times)

Comment: The central bank's digital currency is on the horizon, and this year is the decisive period.

The national PPP comprehensive information platform (new platform) went online, using blockchain and other technologies

On February 17, the Ministry of Finance issued an announcement on the launch of the national PPP comprehensive information platform (new platform). The new platform uses the latest information technology achievements such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, and big data to expand the platform architecture and functions, improve the degree of information verification and accuracy, enhance the ability of intelligent supervision and big data calculation and analysis, and facilitate information acquisition. And associated retrieval applications. The launch of the new platform will further drive the PPP field to use information technology to innovate working methods and improve work efficiency. (Official website of the Ministry of Finance)

Comment: Blockchain technology improves the information verification and accuracy of the ppp platform, enhances intelligent supervision and big data calculation and analysis capabilities, and facilitates information acquisition and related retrieval applications.

Characters and Voices

People's Daily: Supporting content presentation with advanced technologies such as blockchain

The People's Daily article stated that the "Decision" of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee proposed "improving the working mechanism of public opinion guidance that adheres to the correct orientation" and made a series of important arrangements. To implement these important deployments and effectively raise the level of public opinion guidance, several aspects need to be grasped, such as the establishment of an all-media communication system. In the all-media communication system, it is necessary to support content presentation with advanced technology, strengthen the application of new technologies such as 5G, artificial intelligence, and blockchain, so that people can read, hear, and see high-quality content, and continuously improve the communication effect. .

Xinhua News Agency Research Report: Blockchain and other emerging technology industries together change the development ecology of the media industry

On February 20, Xinhua News Agency published its research report on "Media Transformation and Development in the Era of Artificial Intelligence" for 2019. The report pointed out that artificial intelligence and 5G, big data, cloud computing, the Internet of Things, blockchain and other emerging technology industries together change the development ecology of the media industry. Only when traditional media organizations continually integrate technology resources and technical forces in the market and achieve leapfrog development in product integration, terminal integration, channel integration, and personnel integration, can they regain their initiative in the information market and gradually build up Reasonable information dissemination ecosystem and value system. Central-level media have unique resource advantages. They must be the main force and vanguard to actively explore ways, channels, and development paths for the integration of technical resources, give full play to the effects of science and technology, and promote the in-depth development of media integration.

Chairman of the Financial Stability Board: Regulators need to expedite digital currency rules

On February 19, Randal Quarles, chairman of the Financial Stability Board (FSB), said that global financial regulators may fall behind due to the rapid innovation of the digital payment industry, and therefore need to develop digital currency or "stable currency" rules more quickly. Quarles, who is also a member of the Federal Reserve Board, said that a working group is studying policies to address the risks and benefits of stablecoins. In addition, a possible regulatory response will be a public consultation in April. (Reuters)

Russian central bank: pilot of blockchain platform for digital rights has been successfully completed

The Russian central bank announced that a pilot of a blockchain platform for digital rights distribution and transfer has been successfully completed. The project is part of the country's central bank's regulatory sandbox. The platform allows the digitization (tokenization) of goods, services, securities and other assets, one of which is the ability to issue hybrid tokens using various assets as collateral. Any organization can issue digital tokens through the platform, which will expand business opportunities to attract investment and create new investment tools. The blockchain platform was developed by Norilsk Nickel (referred to as Nornickel). Once the "digital financial assets" law comes into effect, the platform will begin operation. Earlier news, the central bank has approved Nornickel's blockchain platform. (FinanceFeeds)

Fed Meister: There are many areas to study before issuing CBDC

Recently, Cleveland Fed Chairman Loretta Mester said that there are advantages and disadvantages to central bank digital currencies. There are many aspects we need to study before issuing central bank digital currencies. (Jin Shi)

Buffett: I would rather buy land than bitcoin

Sun Yuchen had dinner with Buffett and four blockchain industry advocates on January 23. According to reports, Buffett explained why he considers Bitcoin a bad investment: "We can harvest by planting something, but Bitcoin cannot capture the value of the blockchain. Just what is valuable does not mean It's a good investment. "

Buffett also said: I would rather buy land than bitcoin. I have confidence in the US dollar and am sure my grandson would rather inherit my US dollar assets. Bitcoin has transaction value, but no real value. People who buy Bitcoin will eventually sell it. "The dollar can store value, but bitcoin can't, so it's no different from a shell." (The Daily Hodl)

Dean of China Industrial Internet Research Institute: Industrial Internet provides data support to financial institutions with the help of blockchain technology

Xu Xiaolan, President of the China Industrial Internet Research Institute recently pointed out that the Industrial Internet provides comprehensive and highly reliable real-time data support for financial institutions with the help of blockchain, big data and other technologies. The credit evaluation model of SMEs minimizes the possibility of financial institutions providing financial services to SMEs, and increases the willingness of financial institutions to serve SMEs to meet their financing needs. (21 Finance)

Third, in-depth article review

At the center of the storm, the epidemic moment of Wuhan technology companies

  • From the outbreak to the present, all employees of Wuhan science and technology enterprises participating in this battle have been firmly on the front line of the epidemic, creating batches of technology blades, empowering medical personnel, government departments, and the public to fight the virus.
  • With the communication signals, doctors can remotely diagnose and treat; medical staff and patients can report safety to family and friends.

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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