Articles about zkSNARKs - Section 25
Part of the speculative platform, the blockchain heat is “revived”, and the regulators successively punched out virtual currency transactions.
Reporter Zhang Mo Beijing reports Source: Economic Information In response to the recent resurgence of some of the vi...
Panic is not yet fermented, keep watching
Regulatory policies have emerged in an endless stream. BTC has successfully fallen below the threshold of US$ 7,000. ...
Ali, Tencent, Baidu blockchain landing case big PK, who is weak and strong?
Source: Blockchain Learning Society Baidu lacks goodness and has no highlights; Tencent's invoice field is stron...
People's Court Report: Cracking down on "blockchain" pyramid schemes and technology are indispensable
Source: People's Court Newspaper, November 25, 2019, version 02 Author: Zhang Zhi Yao Mingping whole In the face...
Baidu intelligent cloud blockchain debut: What is the platform of "Tian Chain"?
On November 21st, at the Baidu Smart Cloud Techday Blockchain Product Salon, Baidu Smart Cloud team joined hands with...
Bright sword virtual currency! Multi-local supervision of the hand-coin security, the wave field official micro-enclosed digital coins collectively fled
Source: Securities Times Author: Li Xiang Recently, Shanghai, Beijing, Dongguan, Hangzhou, Shenzhen, Henan and other ...
Why does China have to seize the opportunity to issue central bank digital currency?
In 2014, the People's Bank of China set up a special research team under the leadership of Zhou Xiaochuan, then ...
Twitter featured | DeFi locks up to 2.5 million Ethereum; Bakkt launches cash delivery contract next month
01, Bitcoin plunged to wipe out the October increase, "Coin An Shanghai Office" was investigated or led the...
Hash rate changes hidden mystery, BTC bottom-hunting opportunity really came this time?
Text: Simplified currency city Source: Shallot blockchain Editor's Note: The original title is "Hash rate c...
Sword refers to the virtual currency borrowing blockchain "returning soul", the national cleanup and rectification curtain has been opened
Original: Shanghai Securities Journal (, wxzzw-201911-4455812.htm) On the 22nd, the rep...

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