Ethereum Ecosystem Weekly Report: Cancun EIP list confirmed, EIP-4844 Devnet 6 to launch next week, Optimism completes mainnet Bedrock upgrade…

Ethereum Ecosystem Weekly Report: Cancun EIP list confirmed, EIP-4844 Devnet 6 to launch next week, Optimism completes mainnet Bedrock upgrade.

Weekly summary of important news in the Ethereum ecosystem, development, and applications. This week’s highlights: The latest Ethereum core developer meeting confirmed the Cancun EIP list, which will include EIP-1153, EIP-4788, EIP-4844, EIP-5656, and EIP-6780; EIP-4844 Devnet 6 will launch next week; Optimism has completed the mainnet Bedrock upgrade; The Arbitrum sequencer batch processing release program malfunction caused the publication of on-chain transactions to temporarily pause, and a fix has been deployed.


We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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