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Babbitt Column | Gu Yanxi: Against Dogmatism in Blockchain Applications

Blockchain technology was born together with Bitcoin on October 31, 2008. Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin, w...


North Korea used the state machine to start digging bitcoin. What is it intended?

As the world's largest country, the United States can be said to be the leader of the world. No matter from econ...


10 million bitcoins are "sleeping"! Is it better to have more money laundering parties?

A few days ago Coindesk released a statistic: the number of bitcoins that have not moved for more than a year has exc...


Economist: Bitcoin has the fastest growth rate and the highest increase among all assets, and one million is just around the corner?

In December 2017, Bitcoin soared to a record high of 20,000 knives. The ever-rich story of the rich also attracted a ...


Xiao Lei: To defend the renminbi, China needs to use three secret weapons.

In the past month, for the Chinese market, it was a very unusual month. The challenge that China has experienced can ...


February DApp: Although the market is getting warmer, DApp is not as hot as it used to be | Chain Tower Think Tank

In February, in the technical update, the Ethereum's Constantinople update was postponed due to a vulnerability ...