How low is the proportion of people investing in Bitcoin in Russia? Only 2%

How low is the proportion of people investing in Bitcoin in Russia? Only 2%

According to a recent survey released by the Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VTsIOM) on April 9, only 2% of Russians currently invest in Bitcoin (BTC).

VTsIOM is Russia's oldest polling agency after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The agency revealed that Bitcoin is not popular in Russia. Two-thirds of Russians consider this cryptocurrency to be a very bad investment option.

However, in this report, the research center did not provide a time frame for the survey, nor did it provide the total number of people involved in the survey (the details of the survey process were rather vague).

According to the survey, 56% of Russians claim that they know Bitcoin, and 18% say they have only heard of Bitcoin. However, only 12% of people who know Bitcoin say that Bitcoin is banned in Russia.

Although the Russian parliament passed a cryptocurrency bill in May 2018. But Russia has not implemented a formal cryptocurrency bill so far. However, by the end of 2018, the bill passed before was returned to the first review stage. There are also reports that the bill lacks a concept for cryptocurrency mining. In late February of this year, Russian President Vladimir Putin requested that the encryption regulations be enacted by July 1, 2019.

In November 2018, the Russian version of Forbes reported that 5% of Moscow residents using non-cash payment methods are preparing to start using cryptocurrency payments.

Earlier, Bank of America (Wells Fargo) announced a poll that claimed that only 2% of US investors hold bitcoin, while 26% said they are interested. According to opinion polls, 96% of investors said they had heard of bitcoin, but only 29% said they knew about digital currency.

Recently, Cointelegraph reported that a survey by the Bank of England showed that the vast majority of respondents indicated that they are more willing to receive digital currency as a gift.

Author: Kiran
Remarks: Bitcoin86 manuscript article, please indicate the source. The article is an independent view of the author and does not represent the standing position.

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