In 19 days, 44 policies are favorable, and the blockchain industry is accelerating into the fast lane.

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On October 25th, the national leaders presided over the collective political learning meeting of the Central Political Bureau, and listed the blockchain as an important breakthrough for independent innovation.

In the following 19 days, local governments issued a total of 44 policies to encourage the development of blockchain, involving 20 provinces.

Government, medical, financial and smart cities have become the most important blockchain areas for local governments.

In the process of actively promoting the blockchain landing, local governments are also trying to combine their own advantages and local characteristics. For example, in Shanxi, energy has become a key area of ​​blockchain landing.

Internet giants such as BAT have also revealed their blockchain ambitions. Tencent is actively preparing blockchain virtual banks, Baidu values ​​smart cities, and Ali is targeting small and micro enterprises and individual developers.

01 policy first

On October 25th, a high-level speech from China once again set off a blockchain boom nationwide.

In the past two months, local governments across the country have followed suit and introduced a series of new policies to encourage the development of the blockchain industry.

According to public information, a blockchain found that from October 25 to November 12, local governments including Hebei, Guangxi, and Tibet issued at least 44 policy documents encouraging the development of blockchain.

A wave of blockchains has quietly begun to pick up.

The blockchain support policies of local governments also have distinct local characteristics.

Taking Shanxi as an example, this major energy province hopes to make blockchain technology boost the Shanxi energy revolution.

On November 12th, the Shanxi Daily published the article "Let the Blockchain Boost the Shanxi Energy Revolution." It is mentioned that the blockchain has broad application potential in the energy field and is gradually becoming an important application direction in the energy field.

Shanxi is China's major energy province, and the energy industry should actively combine blockchain technology to lay a solid foundation for the energy revolution and transformation.

The Chen Hao, secretary of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee, stressed that the blockchain technology should be extended to the modern management and brand building of high-altitude industries such as Yunpeng, Yuncha, Yunhua and Yunguo.

In the agricultural sector, blockchain technology can make agricultural development more precise, make market docking more convenient, and better release the value of modern agriculture.

In terms of policies, some local governments have also quickly established blockchain industry support funds to attract blockchain enterprises to take root in the localities.

Guangzhou took the lead and issued the “Detailed Measures for the Implementation of Several Measures for Accelerating Blockchain Industry in Guangzhou Huangpu District and Guangzhou Development Zone”, which gave the 1 billion blockchain industry fund and the preferential conditions of the maximum subsidy of 10 million.

According to the "Regulations", Guangzhou will select two public chain, alliance chain projects or enterprises each year, giving 50% of research and development subsidies, the public chain up to 10 million yuan, and the alliance chain up to 3 million yuan.

In addition, for enterprises that provide blockchain demonstration project information services, if the blockchain application construction reaches 30 or more nodes, the effective transaction volume will accumulate more than 1000, 5000 or more, and the Guangzhou government will give 300,000 and 50, respectively. Ten thousand yuan of funds reward.

Kunming is also reluctant to fall behind. On October 28, the Kunming Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology issued a number of policies (Trial) to support the development of the digital economy, which mentioned that the maximum subsidy of 10 million yuan to carry out demonstration applications such as blockchain.

Qingdao also gave the largest incentives to blockchain enterprises.

In an interview with local media, the operation manager of Qingdao Information Technology Incubation Base said that a series of enterprises such as blockchain can apply for subsidies for high-tech enterprises in Qingdao High-tech Zone.

“This high-tech enterprise subsidy is the highest subsidy for the entire Qingdao city, and it can get 600,000 in three years,” he said.

02 results landing

It is not difficult to see from the policies and documents promulgated by local governments that government, medical, financial and smart cities are the most concerned and most actively promoted by the local governments.

On October 30th, an article in Xinhua Online Review pointed out that in the field of government affairs, data exchange and information sharing across regions, departments and levels have not been completed, and many government services face an orderly connection of “the last mile”. Problem, business synergy can not be used to the fullest effect.

Blockchain technology can promote the establishment of trust and consensus among government departments. While ensuring data security, it promotes cross-border sharing of government data and enhances the integration of government services.

The governments of Hunan, Hebei, Guizhou and other places have proposed solutions to promote the development of blockchain government services in this field.

Taking Loudi City of Hunan Province as an example, the local area has taken the lead in research and development of the government-based blockchain basic network platform, real estate blockchain information sharing platform, industrial and commercial tax blockchain registration service platform, and blockchain state-owned capital competitive storage platform. Application platform.

Yang Yong, deputy general manager of Hunan's wisdom government, said in an interview with the chain pulse that 150,000 households and 350,000 sets of real estate in Loudi had completed the registration of the chain in the year from November 2018. Benefiting from the blockchain technology, when the Loudi people registered the real estate mortgage in the bank, the settlement time has been shortened from 5 working days to less than 6 hours.

Another focus of local government is blockchain + medical care. According to a blockchain statistics, at least five governments have recently issued documents to take the medical field as one of the focuses of blockchain technology.

In Taizhou, Zhejiang, electronic bills based on blockchain have been placed in major hospitals.

According to the latest data, there are more than 400 medical institutions at all levels including Zhejiang University First Hospital, Zhejiang University Second Hospital and Zhejiang University Shao Yifu Hospital. The total number of electronic bills for medical charges has exceeded 100 million. The amount exceeds 4 billion yuan.

The financial sector, where the blockchain first landed, has also become one of the areas of focus for local governments.

On November 2nd, the third Qiantangjiang Forum main forum was held at the Hangzhou International Expo Center. Zhou Jiangyong, secretary of the Hangzhou Municipal Party Committee, said that it is necessary to adhere to technology empowerment and digital driving, and accelerate the deep application of core technologies such as blockchain in the financial field.

In the border province of Guangxi, a pilot cross-border financial blockchain service platform led by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange was launched to alleviate the problems of financing difficulties and financing.

At present, the platform pilot includes two business scenarios, namely, “export receivables financing (after delivery)” and “enterprise cross-border credit information authorization verification”.

03 BAT Athletics

Recently, Internet giants such as BAT have also been active in the blockchain field.

At the 2nd World Blockchain Conference on November 8, Cai Weige, general manager of the blockchain business of Tencent, revealed that Tencent has won the virtual banking license in Hong Kong and is preparing for the blockchain virtual banking team.

The blockchain virtual bank mentioned by Cai Yuge, the virtual bank of Tencent, is a joint venture between Tencent, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited.

In June of this year, Tencent issued two personnel orders: Lai Zhiming, the company's vice president, will no longer serve as the head of Tencent's financial technology business, but will be sent to Tencent Investment's Hong Kong virtual bank Infinium Limited to serve as chairman. .

Lin Haifeng was promoted to the company's vice president, responsible for the management and development of Tencent's financial technology business, and no longer serves as the joint head of Tencent's investment M&A department.

From these two personnel adjustments, it is not difficult to see Tencent's ambition in the blockchain virtual banking business.

Baidu's development direction in the blockchain field is to provide technical support for the development of smart cities. The key product is its own super chain (XuperChain).

The superchain combines AI and big data capabilities to create a smart city block concept by deploying blockchain nodes in various departments, institutions, and IoT devices in the city.

At present, Baidu Super Chain has cut through the four major scenarios of intelligent medical care, intelligent justice, intelligent government affairs and intelligent transportation, and has launched a smart city pilot.

Baidu’s smart city strategy in the blockchain field is also closely related to its “AI strategy”.

“Smart cities need to improve the intelligence level of the city through artificial intelligence, 5G, big data, cloud computing and even auto-driving technology.” Xiao Wei, head of Baidu Blockchain Lab, spoke at the Wuzhen Blockchain Conference. .

The layout of Alibaba in the blockchain field is completed by the ants in its ecology, and its main development direction is the alliance chain.

In the blockchain field, Ali once again targeted the target users to small and micro enterprises and individual developers, and tried to create a low-cost, low-threshold, open-source blockchain service network.

“How to build a blockchain service network that everyone can reach and benefit more participants?” At the Wuzhen Blockchain Conference, Li Jieli, head of the ant blockchain BaaS platform, pointed out, “We proposed Exploring the direction is to open the alliance chain."

Up to now, the ant blockchain open alliance chain has been launched and opened a small-scale public beta, and is expected to be officially launched in three months.

In 19 days, a series of favorable policies were closely introduced, and blockchain practitioners were all excited.

A series of applications, such as blockchain medical and blockchain administration, are being strongly supported by policies. Perhaps the blockchain killer application that people have been discussing may arise from it.

Obviously, China's blockchain industry is developing on the fast track.

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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