MakerDAO community initiates a vote to reduce the GUSD reserves of DAI from 500 million US dollars to 110 million US dollars.

MakerDAO community votes to decrease DAI's GUSD reserves from 500M to 110M USD.

MakerDAO community initiates proposal voting to reduce the amount of GUSD held in Maker’s DAI stablecoin reserve from $500 million to $110 million. The proposal suggests that compared to alternative options like USDC, GUSD has relatively less impact on promoting DAI liquidity, and the revenue generated from holding GUSD is slightly lower than that from holding USDC on Coinbase Custody. Currently, Maker PSM holds over 80% of circulating GUSD, and the proposal has a support rate of 94.9%. The voting will end in 14 hours.


We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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