Articles about Search Results Tron - Section 890

When the wind starts again, which is the central bank's digital currency?

Recently, the central banks of the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Singapore, Japan and other countries have successively established digital currency research institutions,…

"The blockchain pyramid sales godfather" Yuhong once again come back, XMX car you dare to go?

From June 20th, XMX suddenly surged rapidly, and the currency circle was also swept by Yuhong's marketing copy, which is exhausted. This long-lost "blockchain…

Wisps: The Wonderful World of Create2

– WISP – Herrmann Hendrich (1884) – During the ETHCapeTown hackathon , we used a powerful, new Ethereum opcode , CREATE2 , to create…

Starting from the account paradigm and the Token paradigm, why is Facebook Libra not a non-nationalization of currency? Platon Zou Chuanwei

brief introduction This paper examines the impact of blockchain on financial infrastructure and analyzes the recently-watched Facebook Libra from this perspective. The conclusion of…

Bitcoin breaks into a new high in the year, and billions of funds are on the market.

Recently, Bitcoin skyrocketed, breaking through 10,000 on June 22, and hitting a new $11,000 in the early morning of June 24. With Facebook's currency,…

The power plant harvested miners army: the bull market rose freely, the miners were forced to sell the mine

On June 22, after more than a year of silence, Bitcoin once again stood at the $10,000 mark. The rise in the price of…

Why is this bull market different?

Is the cow coming? It is true that in March of this year, it has slowly entered the bull market. Now Bitcoin has exceeded…

Bitcoin Data Weekly | Price breaks 10,000 US dollars, the data on the chain is a new high, "mad cow" strikes?

Bitcoin broke through the $10,000 mark and opened a new market. Most investors are confused about the future, and they are afraid of being…

Conversation | Libra needs to deal with three issues toward an unlicensed network

Author: Mutual chain Pulse Editorial Department Editor's note: After the release of the Libra white paper, there are many interpretations in various aspects. On…

Silicon Valley vs Wall Street: Libra is just the beginning of a long bloody battle

Ma Yun once said: "If the bank does not change, we will change the bank." In fact, in the past few decades, the technology…

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