Report: Dapp transaction volume dropped by nearly 40%, and the gaming category is still the most popular

Original: thenextweb

Original title: "Latest Report: Blockchain application transaction volume has dropped by nearly 40%, and gaming is still the most popular project…"

Finishing: Carol

Source: blockchain base camp, there are cuts

Although the blockchain is constantly evolving, at the application level, it is still worth our continued attention.

Last quarter, blockchain applications (DApps) totaled only $2.03 billion in the top six DApp-centric networks, a drop of nearly 40%.

Even more troublesome is that only 148 applications were launched in the third quarter of this year. This is lower than the monthly average of the first half of 2019 (at which time 164 new reactors were deployed each month).

Still, according to dapp explorer's latest quarterly analysis, more than half of the transactions are related to cryptocurrency betting.

The only bright spot is the growing popularity of DeFi (DeFi) applications, especially those running on Ethereum.


Users don't always use their favorite apps's research shows that more than $525 million was inflows through DeFi DApps in the last quarter, of which 88% were processed on the Ethereum blockchain.

In the last quarter, DApp added more than 500,000 users, of which about 138,000 (27.6%) came for gambling. In the last quarter of the last quarter, there were only more than 170,000 (34%) of DApp users for gambling.

This makes DeFi the second most popular category, second only to gaming.

Although only 36% of users in the second quarter used dapps in the third quarter (at least once). But thanks to DeFi applications like MakerDAO and Nest, the influx of new users has made EthereumDApp's activities relatively stable. said: "In the second and third quarters, only more than 80,000 ETH holders use DApp." " But the DeFi wave has brought the best growth to Ethereum Dapp users – within a quarter More than 310,000 new DApp users are the fastest growing to date. "

EOS users are still keen on cryptocurrency gambling

According to reports, the user retention rate of competitor EOS is relatively high . Last quarter, the main network account and new DApp users on EOS grew slower than Ethereum and TRON, but the previous 40% of EOS DApp users were actually still there.

In contrast, only 5% of Ethereum users remained unchanged quarter-on-quarter, while 15% of TRON users remained unchanged quarter-on-quarter. said: "There were less than 220,000 new EOS accounts in the third quarter, and 80,000 EOS users have started using dapp. "

For more complete information, please copy the link below to open the browser and view the full report:


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