Three major product matrices, exploring X2E in multiple scenarios, Salad Ventures builds Web3 economic flywheel effect.

Salad Ventures creates Web3 economic flywheel effect through X2E exploration across three product matrices.

Author: Nancy, BlockingNews

“X to Earn” is a new and popular web3 traffic trend that has been recognized and embraced by the public due to its diverse gameplay and possibilities. This business model, which comes with its own economic incentive mechanism and achieves decentralized distribution of benefits, has quickly become the new darling of Web3. With such market prospects and development trends, Salad Ventures, which has received funding from star investment institutions such as Multicoin Capital, will soon conduct a TGE (Token Generation Event) and launch a token airdrop. The company is building a growth flywheel and innovation space for Web3 projects by establishing the X to Earn model in gaming, learning, and working scenarios. They aim to achieve Web3 financial democratization by creating a fairer and more sustainable economic system.

Building a Web3 economic flywheel effect with three flagship products

As Web3 gains popularity, X to Earn has become a hot concept, where X can refer to many application scenarios such as sports, shopping, games, learning, and creation, and Earn refers to generating economic benefits through these specific scenarios. Unlike Web2 enterprises that firmly hold the distribution rights of benefits in their own hands, the essence of X to Earn is to return the profits generated by participants’ behavior to themselves and achieve fair distribution of benefits. This system can also establish an effective traffic pool for the project itself.

Salad Ventures is promoting Web3 project business growth and increasing market share while creating a more fair and sustainable Web3 economic system for everyone through “X-To-Play-To-Win” Arcaden, “Learn to Earn” Apollo Academy, and decentralized labor trading platform DLX Maslow.

Arcaden is an online casual game arcade where users can have a chance to win rewards while playing games without high monetary costs or professional skills required. Unlike traditional game modes, P2E not only allows players to have ownership of game assets but also earn real money rewards, thereby increasing user stickiness and loyalty to the game itself. In Arcaden, users can participate in a series of casual games by depositing Salad Ventures’ G3M NFTs they hold into the platform, and earn more G3M NFTs or points as rewards. This incentive mechanism will also bring more traffic to games in the ecosystem. Currently, Arcaden has partnered with many games including SkyArk Chronicles, Arcus, Beanterra, DegenReborn, Arena Games, and Portal Fantasy, and has gained more than 30,000 community users.

As a personalized and interactive Web3 education platform, Apollo Academy, formerly known as Salad Academy, has attracted over 100,000 students. Apollo Academy provides learning themes such as GameFi, DeFi, TradeFi, and NFTFi through courses, seminars, blogs, AMAs, and other learning media, through a team of over 100 opinion leaders, including YGG, GBV Capital, GALXE, Voyage, Ethlas, and Arbela. In fact, for users outside the circle, the various terms and participation processes in the blockchain world are obscure and have considerable thresholds, and Web3 lacks a systematic and standardized learning system. Apollo Academy can not only reduce the cost of learning acquisition, bring learning channels without geographical boundaries, but also help democratize the popularization of Web3 education, and high-quality educational content can also promote the development of Web3 talent and continue blood for the industry.

Maslow is a decentralized freelance job trading market, with primary markets including gig economy, freelancers, and full-time/part-time employment markets. In the era of the gig economy, the number of freelancers is increasing. According to Upwork’s research, 39% of the US workforce will be freelancers in 2022, with a total of 60 million people and revenue of $1.35 trillion. The rise of the gig economy has also changed the “ecosystem” of human resources, including Upwork, Fiverr, and other freelance platforms becoming a market necessity. Compared to these traditional platforms, while combining their advantages, Maslow allows employers and employees to trade safely and efficiently without intermediaries. Meanwhile, the platform plans to use NFTs as certificates to prove the ability, reliability, and honesty of employees and employers on the platform, helping digital nomads achieve geographic and time freedom.

In short, from Arcaden to Apollo Academy, and then to Maslow, Salad Ventures empowers each other through the three flagship products of entertainment, learning, and work, becoming a “pathfinder” for players to explore the Web3 economy better and creating a flywheel effect for Web3 projects.

Token+NFT’s dual incentive mechanism, TGE is about to start

The reason why the X To Earn model can attract everyone’s attention is that Earn is the key element. By establishing an economic relationship with participants and allowing them to obtain corresponding returns, they will be motivated to promote the better operation of the product.

$SALD, as the practical token of Salad Ventures, has a total of 1.68 billion shares. Among them, about 330 million $SALDs belong to the Salad Ventures treasury, mainly used for investing in early projects, establishing partnerships, and making acquisitions; about 290 million $SALDs are user incentives and recognition of community members, such as loyalty rewards (users who hold and pledge SALD tokens), joining rewards, airdrops, and quarterly rewards.

In the Salad Ventures ecosystem, $SALD is the key to unlocking products, allowing holders to purchase various services and goods, as well as play various games. Holders can also earn G3M NFTs and exclusive use of product features by staking $SALD. In addition, $SALD can be used for governance, allowing holders to participate in important decisions and actions at Salad Ventures. It is worth noting that Salad Ventures has launched an airdrop of $SALD before the token generation event (TGE), and users who meet the qualifications, such as being in the top 1000 of the G3M leaderboard, holding G3M/Weapon NFTs, or referring more than 3 new Arcaden registered users, will receive more tokens based on their points.

In addition to tokens, NFTs are also an important part of the Salad Ventures ecosystem. Salad Blockingsport is the official SBT (Soul Binding Token) NFT launched by Salad Ventures in cooperation with Galxe. It can not only be used for KYC verification to join the Salad Ventures ecosystem, but users can also record their Web3 exploration footprint. Currently, it has been minted by more than 42,000 participants. G3M NFTs are launched on BNB and consist of five rare levels of G3Ms: purple, bronze, silver, gold, and rainbow. The minting function of G3M NFTs is only available to users who have passed KYC verification and obtained Salad Blockingsport. Other players can obtain them through various tasks, such as retweeting tweets, participating in testing applications and real-life activities, etc. The difficulty, frequency, and time of the tasks will determine the level of rewards, or users can also purchase them on trading platforms such as OpenSea. The rewards of G3M NFTs will be distributed monthly in the form of a leaderboard, and the prize pool will be affected by factors such as the number of active participants, new users, and transaction volume.

In addition, Salad Ventures has also launched Club Salad Access Blockings, which allows holders to have the right to participate in virtual and real-life events organized by Salad Ventures, priority experience of Salad Ventures’ products and partner projects, priority whitelist of future Salad Ventures (NFTs, tokens, etc.), and other rights, with a limit of 200.

Recently, Salad Ventures also launched a new NFT series SPLY Crate NFT on Polygon through Galxe, which contains four different colors and aims to reward loyal users. They can unlock hidden assets through these NFTs, and any user who completes related tasks and certifications is eligible for minting.

After transforming from the P2E Guild, it has received multiple rounds of financing

The Play To Earn craze brought about by Axie Infinity has opened the door to exploring X to Earn. Salad Ventures, which was founded in early 2021 as a small gold farming guild, saw the potential of the X to Earn model thanks to this novel income source.

Salad Ventures was co-founded by Felix Sim and Wesley Mathews, with Felix Sim having 15 years of professional experience in financial institutions such as investment banks and hedge funds, and Wesley Mathews having led the Apollo Squad to the top of the leaderboard during his time as an Axie Infinity Guild Master. As a diverse team, Salad Ventures members come from countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, the United States, and Europe, and have worked with Fortune 500 companies and innovative startups.

It is worth mentioning that Charles Wayn, co-founder of Web3 credential data network Galxe and managing partner of Bullet Labs, has recently joined Salad Ventures’ advisory board. With over 10 million independent users, Galxe has driven growth for over 2,400 brands such as Optimism, Polygon, Arbitrum, and more through a reward-based loyalty program. Charles Wayn is also an advisor to well-known crypto institutions such as Nansen, Switcheo, and Kosmos Ventures.

Salad Ventures has raised multiple rounds of funding, including a $2 million seed round led by Multicoin Capital, followed by a $13.5 million round in February 2022 with participation from C Squared Ventures, Crossbeam Venture Blockingrtners, Foundation Capital, Gemini Frontier Fund, Winklevoss Capital, Polygon Studios, and others.

According to Salad Ventures’ roadmap, the platform will integrate with the MetaMask wallet, introduce dynamic NFT functionality, launch an NFT marketplace, and release the beta version of Maslow in the near future.

All in all, the reason why X to Earn has become a new paradigm in Web3 is ultimately due to its strong narrative and interest reform. Therefore, it is crucial for Web3 projects such as Salad Ventures to create products with sustained appeal and stable economic cycles if they want to truly continue to motivate users through X to Earn.

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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