Weekly development of industrial blockchain 丨 Blockchain policies are frequently promulgated, and many points of government application blossom

In terms of industrial policies, Guangzhou, Beijing, Wuxi, Weihai and other places have launched corresponding policies to encourage the use of blockchain technology. In terms of industrial research, the People's Bank of China officially released the "Technical Security Specification for Financial Distributed Ledgers", which is the first blockchain standard release in China's financial industry. In terms of industrial applications, all government departments are working together to accelerate the application process of blockchain. As for listed companies, the first share of Blockchain Financial OneAccount had a loss of more than 1.6 billion.


Industrial policy: Blockchain policies are frequently promulgated, and practitioners have a peace of mind

Guangzhou Artificial Intelligence and Digital Economy Pilot Zone Solution: Will Promote the Innovation and Development of the Blockchain Industry

On February 21, the Guangdong Provincial Leading Group for Promoting the Construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area officially issued the "General Plan for the Construction of the Guangzhou Artificial Intelligence and Digital Economy Pilot Area". The plan proposes that a Guangzhou artificial intelligence and digital economy pilot zone with Pazhou as the core, the Pearl River as the link, and industrial integration and development in the surrounding areas will be built in Guangzhou. Promote the agglomeration and development of the digital industry, the innovative development of the blockchain industry, and the digital transformation of key industries.

Beijing 2020 will focus on blockchain technology innovation and actively promote integration and development with the economy and society

On February 20, the Beijing Promoting Technology Innovation Center Construction Office formally issued the “2020 Beijing Work Plan for Strengthening the National Science and Technology Innovation Center's Key Tasks 2020”, proposing to actively promote the development of integration with the economy and society around blockchain technology innovation.

Propaganda Department of the Beijing Municipal Committee: Deepen the integration of culture and technology, and support key technologies such as blockchain

On February 19, the Office of the Beijing Municipal Cultural Reform and Development Leading Group issued "Several Measures to Cope with the Impact of the New Coronary Pneumonia Outbreak and Promote the Healthy Development of Cultural Enterprises," and supported cultural enterprises to overcome difficulties in various ways. In cultivating new momentum for the development of the cultural industry, Beijing will deepen the integration of cultural science and technology, support key technologies such as 5G, AI, 4K / 8K ultra-high definition, big data, and blockchain, and focus on supporting a number of application scenario construction projects to promote emerging formats. Integrate development and accelerate the construction of smart parks.

Wuxi Science and Technology Bureau: Priority support for cutting-edge technology areas such as blockchain

On February 20, the Wuxi Science and Technology Bureau and the Municipal Finance Bureau held an online conference on the 2020 Wuxi Science and Technology Development Fund Project Guide. The guidelines issued this year cover special projects such as SME innovation funds, industry foresight and key technology research and development, and major scientific and technological achievements. Among them, the industry foresight and key technology research and development projects give priority to supporting cutting-edge technology areas such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and connected cars.

Weihai Science and Technology Bureau: Accelerating the Convergence of Blockchain and Other Technologies in Related Fields

On February 20th, the Weihai Municipal Science and Technology Bureau issued a notice on "Several Measures to Support Scientific and Technological Innovation in Effective Services for the Prevention and Control of New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic Situation", and proposed 20 measures for supporting the prevention and control of new coronary pneumonia epidemic and effectively serving scientific and technological innovation, including 2 Involving the blockchain. Including the accelerated integration of medical and blockchain technology applications, as well as the integration of new business fields such as online shopping, online education, online office, online diagnosis and treatment, digital entertainment, digital life, and intelligent distribution with blockchain.


After the "10.24 speech" last year, some people in the industry predicted that 2020 would be the year when various blockchain support policies were intensively introduced. Unexpectedly, the new crown pneumonia epidemic broke out at the end of the year, casting a shadow on the development prospects of the blockchain that has just been rectified. However, from the recent policy documents issued by various places, the blockchain appears frequently, giving practitioners peace of mind.

Industry research: China's first financial industry blockchain standard released

The People's Bank of China officially released "Technical Security Specifications for Distributed Financial Ledgers"

Recently, the People's Bank of China officially released the Financial Industry Standards for Technical Specifications for Financial Distributed Ledgers (JR / T0184-2020). The standard specifies the security system of financial distributed ledger technology, including basic hardware, basic software, cryptographic algorithms, node communication, ledger data, consensus protocols, smart contracts, identity management, privacy protection, regulatory support, operation and maintenance requirements, and governance mechanisms, etc. aspect. The standard is applicable to institutions engaged in the construction or service operation of distributed ledger systems in the financial field.

People's Bank of China Digital Currency Research Institute: Blockchain is not yet suitable for high-concurrency scenarios such as traditional retail payments

On February 21, the Blockchain Research Group of the Digital Currency Research Institute of the People's Bank of China published an article "Development and Management of Blockchain Technology", which states that the blockchain comes at the cost of simultaneous storage and co-calculation of a large amount of redundant data. It sacrifices system processing efficiency and some customer privacy, and is not yet suitable for high-concurrency scenarios such as traditional retail payment; however, in areas that require higher levels of trusted information sharing and lower requirements for concurrency, such as transaction settlement, trade finance, Blockchain has been widely used for property rights transfer.

China Social Science News: Security, law, and order are the triple risks of blockchain applied to government governance

On February 20, the China Social Science News published a review article entitled "Security, Law, and Order: The Triple Risks of Blockchain Applied to Government Governance." The article points out that in many application scenarios of the blockchain, combining this technology with government governance to create a smart government supported by the blockchain is a hot research area of ​​public management. However, excessive dependence on open blockchain technology in government governance can easily widen the "technical gap" between government departments and society. In terms of the current status of the development of blockchain technology and the understanding of government personnel on the technology, the introduction of blockchain technology in the field of government governance makes it easy to ignore the potential risks in its performance. While blockchain technology promotes government governance change, it also brings certain risks and challenges to government departments.

People's Daily: Efforts to promote the deep integration of modern technology such as blockchain with social governance

On February 19, the People's Daily published an article "Providing Strong Scientific and Technological Support for Social Governance (some targeted)." The article stated that it is necessary to make good use of science and technology to support the top-level design of social governance. The key is to promote the deep integration of modern technology such as big data, artificial intelligence, and blockchain with social governance in the reform of social governance system, to create a new model of intelligent governance that is data-driven, human-machine collaboration, cross-border integration, and co-creation sharing. Accurate perception of social operation, efficient allocation of public resources, timely early warning of abnormal situations, and rapid handling of emergencies, improve the scientific, refined and intelligent level of social governance.

Economic Daily: Focus on the development of core digital industries such as blockchain

On February 18, the Economic Daily published a "Realistic Path to the Development and Growth of the Digital Economy." According to the article, a series of problems in the current development of the digital economy need to be addressed with specific measures to find a realistic path to the development and expansion of the digital economy. In all aspects of accelerating the "deep integration of the digital economy with the real economy and strengthening technological support", we must focus on the development of core digital industries such as big data, mobile Internet, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, blockchain, and 5G. In addition, in terms of “establishing a sound policy support system for the development of the digital economy, and making good overall arrangements for the system”, we must promote technological innovation and mobilize technology-based enterprises and scientific research through incentives such as tax reductions, patent protection, and special financing. Institutions have increased investment in research and development in key areas such as the Internet of Things, cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence, blockchain, and 5G.


Standards are divided into international standards, national standards, industry standards, local standards, enterprise standards, and group standards, and the levels gradually decrease. The Technical Specification for Financial Distributed Ledgers (JR / T0184-2020), which was proposed and drafted by the Digital Currency Research Institute of the People's Bank of China, belongs to the financial industry standard. This is also the case in China's financial industry since the blockchain standard was released in 2017. The first blockchain standard.

Industrial application: all government departments are working together to accelerate the application process of blockchain

Ministry of Finance: National PPP Integrated Information Platform (New Platform) goes online, using blockchain and other technologies

On February 17, the Ministry of Finance issued an announcement on the launch of the national PPP comprehensive information platform (new platform). The new platform uses the latest information technology achievements such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, and big data to expand the platform architecture and functions, improve the degree of information verification and accuracy, enhance the ability of intelligent supervision and big data calculation and analysis, and facilitate information acquisition. And associated retrieval applications.

Beijing Municipal Planning and Natural Resources Commission: Launching the "Blockchain + Real Estate Registration" Platform

Recently, the Beijing Municipal Planning and Natural Resources Commission launched the "Internet + Real Estate Registration" service in the city, and launched an upgraded version of the real estate registration information platform based on blockchain technology together with the Municipal Housing and Construction Commission, the Municipal Taxation Bureau and the Municipal Urban Management Commission. The launch of the "Blockchain + Real Estate Registration" platform further shortened the real estate business processing time.

Beijing Municipal Affairs Service Bureau: Using Blockchain Technology to Promote the Application of Electronic Certificates in Comprehensive Window Services

On February 18, People's Daily Online learned from the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Municipal Services that at present, the online service rate of two-level government service matters in urban areas (according to the application for category 6 + public services) has reached over 97%. It is understood that the Municipal Affairs Service Bureau, in conjunction with the Municipal Economic Information Bureau and the Shunyi District Government, with the strong support of more than 60 relevant departments in the urban area, uses blockchain technology to vigorously promote the application of electronic certificates in integrated window services. At present, seven high-frequency electronic licenses including electronic business licenses, ID cards, household registration certificates, residence permits, driver's licenses, marriage licenses, and divorce certificates have been used to implement 253 business-related and 65 personal-related matters in the Municipal Affairs Center. , The clerk does not need to bring the original or photocopy of the relevant license and can authorize the business through mobile phone authorization.

Hangzhou Municipal Market Supervision Bureau: Using Big Data Analysis, Blockchain and Other Information Means to "Science" in Scientific Warfare

In order to fully grasp the information of Hangzhou enterprises' resumption and production resumption time, number of resumption workers, epidemic prevention measures, purchase inspection, production control, etc., and to establish archives of resumption and resumption enterprises during the epidemic prevention and control period, Hangzhou Market Supervision Bureau relies on the “Food Safety Supervision Cloud Platform” Make full use of big data analysis, blockchain and other information methods to actively implement "Internet food production supervision" and build a "not-to-see" information communication bridge.


A single flower is not spring, all flowers bloom in the spring garden. From the Ministry of Finance to the Beijing Municipal Planning and Natural Resources Commission, the Beijing Municipal Government Service Bureau, and the Hangzhou Municipal Market Supervision Bureau, all are actively using blockchain technology. It is believed that as the epidemic situation is gradually controlled, blockchain is used in other government departments. There will be more applications.

Listed company: the first share of the blockchain has lost more than 1.6 billion

Financial OneAccount listed first financial report: annual revenue of 2.328 billion yuan, net loss of 1.661 billion yuan

On February 19, the "first block chain" Financial OneAccount disclosed the first financial report since listing. Financial OneAccount revenue in 2019 reached 2.328 billion yuan, an increase of 65% year-on-year; gross profit margin increased from 27.5% to 32.9%; the net loss attributable to shareholders was 1.661 billion yuan, compared with the net loss of 1.196 billion yuan in the same period last year. Reduce losses.

Zhidu shares: together with Guoguang to promote the application of supply chain financial blockchain

On February 17, Zhidu Co., Ltd. replied on the platform of asking directors that the company's blockchain business will use the high-quality industrial foundation of Guoguang Optoelectronics to promote the application of both sides in the supply chain financial blockchain. The company's holding subsidiary Beijing Zhizhi Duzhichain Technology Co., Ltd. and Guoguang Electronics have established Shenzhen Zhidu Supply Chain Technology Co., Ltd. in Shenzhen.

Adir: Proposes to cooperate with Digital Qin Technology to establish a jewelry and diamond industry blockchain alliance

On February 20, Aildel announced that the company has recently signed a "strategic cooperation agreement" with Shuqin Technology. The two sides will establish a true, mutual trust, transparent and open blockchain alliance in the jewelry and diamond industry to realize the development of technology-enabled industries To achieve a strategic partnership with the real application of blockchain technology.

Donggang shares: blockchain invoice is expected to be fully promoted

On February 19, Donggang's disclosed investor relations activity record showed that the company had recently received a large number of investor surveys. The company stated that Donggang issued the first domestic electronic invoice in 2013, but due to the impact of hardware, the development of electronic invoices was slower than expected. Until 2018, the company made progress in the blockchain field. "Invoice" technology is relatively mature, and it is possible to carry out comprehensive promotion throughout the country.


Compared with hundreds of blockchain concept stocks in A-shares, Financial OneAccount should be a relatively pure blockchain concept stock at present, and blockchain technology is one of the three core technologies on which it depends. However, from the first financial report (unaudited) after its listing, it is still at a loss. The impact of this on China's blockchain startups is not very optimistic, and investment institutions will be cautious about the startups' shots. In the past year, there have been few large-scale financing cases for Chinese blockchain startups (in the direction of the alliance chain).

Review of previous period: Weekly development of industrial blockchain 丨 Blockchain squat will usher in a big rebound

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