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What is the actual impact of the “Development of Bitcoin Mining” by the National Development and Reform Commission? Different opinions in the industry reported that the National Development and Reform Commission issued the "Industrial Structure Adjust...


The Rise of Ether: The Potential Next Star in the Crypto Market

Gain Context and Valuable Insights on the Latest Crypto Market Price Changes – Feb. 19, 2024.


JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon Continues Bitcoin Bashing: Is He the Pot Calling the Kettle Black?

The CEO of JPMorgan expressed that this will be the final instance in which he shares his thoughts on bitcoin.


The currency was stolen 7,000 bitcoins. The analysis concluded that the intranet was hacked by long-time APT penetration, and the price of BTC was affected.

“There are also security vulnerabilities in the successful centralized exchanges.” (Image from Twitter)...


2020: Nonprofits fall in love with Bitcoin?

Microsoft accepts Bitcoin. No one cares. why? Because if you want people to give up their bitcoin, you better have a ...


BITB: The Bitcoin ETF that’s Breaking Records 🚀

Discover how Bitwise's Bitcoin ETF (BITB) has achieved a top 5% ranking among 2023 launches, with a whopping $290 mil...