What are the concept tokens related to fair distribution that have experienced hundreds of times increase in value on FERC?

What fair distribution concept tokens have had significant value increases on FERC?

FERC token’s free minting on June 1st caught the attention of the community, and its market value reached $15 million at its highest. Considering the gas fee for minting as a cost, FERC has increased by 300 times. Its emergence has led to the creation of fair launch concept series tokens. Jaden, a researcher at LD Capital, wrote an article reviewing mainstream token distribution mechanisms, introducing the concept and characteristics of fair launch, and sorting out the main token data of fair launch platforms on different chains.

Reference: https://ld-capital.medium.com/ferc上线暴涨数百倍-公平发售概念代币都有哪些-73ab0ebd6281

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