Will Grin and Beam be forked, and will the privacy currency be fired again?

Abstract: The price of the currency that has soared has been repeated many times. On the eve of the hard fork, Grin and Beam are also "not moving", and the price of the currency has fallen by more than 15%…

At the beginning of this year, the privacy concept coins Grin and Beam will be ushered in the first hard fork after the main online line.

Grin's official website shows that its first hard fork, the network upgrade of Grin v2.0, will occur at block height 262080 and is expected to take place at 8:27 UTC (16:27 Beijing time) on July 17.


This upgrade will improve the performance of the POW, and its API node will change from v1/pool/push endpoint to v1/pool/push_tx endpoint. In addition, the upgrade will increase the flexibility and privacy of the wallet, the API will be changed to V2, and the Slate V0 will be deprecated.

The Grin development team called on miners, nodes, wallets, mining pools, exchanges, and participants in the Grin protocol to upgrade the running version to v2.0.0 or higher as soon as possible, but Grin users don't need to do anything. Grin has officially released version 2.0 and wallet 2.0 for nodes.

Another big fire privacy project, BEAM, announced on the official Medium that it will be at a block height of 321,321 and is expected to perform the first hard fork or network upgrade on August 15.


The upgrade includes: 1. PoW algorithm changed from Beam Hash I to Beam Hash II; 2. SBBS PoW will become mandatory; 3. Minimum Fee is 100 Groth, or node enforces 10* core number + 10 output quantity ; 4. Support relative time locks.

Beam said that compatible versions of nodes, wallets and miners will be available in Clear Cathode version 3.0, and all users will need to upgrade their applications to the latest version.

The effect of the hard fork effect on the market is generally that the fork rises before the fork and the callback after the fork, such as Ethereum.


However, the non-small market shows that Grin has not only failed to rise in the past 7 days, but also fell 32.41%, currently temporarily reported 2.98 US dollars, a 24-hour drop of 12.34%. At the same time, Beam has also been mainly in the downtrend, with a drop of 16.89% in the past 7 days. Currently, it is temporarily reported at 1.19 US dollars, up 1.48% in 24 hours.

Grin and Beam were the first fires of bears and cattle in 2019. Grin had plunged dozens of times from the market at the beginning of the year, and Beam also rose 500%. This year, the main online line has received much attention and has been questioned. With controversy. Although, Grin and Beam are continuing their "privacy dreams", continue to develop projects, and carry out hard fork upgrades as scheduled, but whether they can still ignite market enthusiasm once again is still a question.

"2019 Explosion" Grin, Beam's rise and silence

Compared with the existing privacy coin project, Grin and Beam are based on the new protocol Mimblewimble, both of which are full of idealism. Their mystery and uniqueness make them feel good, not only won many self-sufficient platforms, but also After the main online line, it hit a staggering increase, creating the first hot spot for the quiet market at the beginning of the year – the privacy concept coin.

Mimblewimble, the word comes from Harry Potter, the original meaning is a spell that makes the population unclear. The Mimblewimble white paper believes that Bitcoin scripts should be abandoned and recommend a new underlying protocol, MimbleWimble, which has greater privacy, scalability, and substitutability.

Grin is the first privacy coin project to implement the Mimblewimble agreement. It has open source governance, no foundation, no ICO, no pre-digging "justice" spirit, and its total amount has no upper limit, with the characteristics of wireless inflation.


(Photo source: TAMC "Anonymous Currency Research Report" data source: coinmarketcap.com)

Beam is the first private online line based on the MimbleWimble protocol. It is often compared to Grin. Although it started late, it was in front of the main online line of Grin. And BEAM proposed in a white paper that it uses a structure similar to Zcash, which is in stark contrast to Grin's anarchist and open source philosophy. In addition, BEAM has a dedicated team, and its public investment institutions have well-known node capital, 13 investment institutions such as Continue Capital.

Due to the uniqueness of the two projects, many of them are spontaneously on the platform. Martian Xu Zijing once sent Weibo to support Grin. "Grin may be the hardest core in recent years and the closest to Bitcoin fundamentalism. The block, purely anonymous, anti-censorship, password punk, anarchism once again set off. Wave."

At the same time, in early January of this year, when Grin and Beam launched the main network, they all triggered a big rise in the price of coins. Beam's main online line, non-small display, its price rose from $0.5 to $2.6, an increase of more than 500%.


Grin's increase was even more exaggerated. On the first day of the online exchange, Grin's highest price reached $261.65, and then fell off the cliff, but it still rose 107.84% in 7 days.


The surge of Grin and Beam also completely activated the quiet graphics card mining market at the beginning of the year, allowing the machines that were turned off to restart. At the time, Wu Sheng, who was engaged in the computing lease business, said to the deep chain that people have come to consult the video card mining machine every day, basically all of them are directed at Beam and Grin. The lease cycle is mostly within four months.

However, although the market after Grin and Beam has soared in June, overall, the prices of Grin and Beam have collapsed and plunged many times this year. From March to May, Grin and Beam entered the silent period. The price is almost in a state of high disk, and the market skepticism is also coming.

Many viewpoints indicate that both Grin and Beam are suspected of speculation, and the technology is not scrutinized, and it is not "hard core" at all. In June of this year, the departure of Grin's anonymous founder, Ignotus Peverell, added to the dark color of the project.

Author: Long Yue

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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