Articles about Casper - Section 123
The market is diving again, but the short-selling power is attenuating
Industry interpretation The decline in bitcoin in recent days has allowed a tense atmosphere to spread throughout the...
The life-saving grass of cryptocurrency, the big country dream of Turkey
Text / Yi Bozhen Produced / Mars Media The Turkish government has finally announced its entry into the blockchain. On...
Ethereum 2.0 shard development is basically completed, the first shard simulation will be demonstrated at the next developer conference
According to Trustnodes' September 26 report, developers of Ethereum 2.0 Phase 1 and Phase 2 shards said the fir...
Platform-as-a-service company StrongSalt receives $3 million in financing, and will soon release an encrypted API platform
According to foreign media today, consulting firm Valley Capital Partners invested $3 million in encryption platform ...
Explore: How to create a neutral, trust-free, scarce digital currency
From the perspective of geopolitical turmoil and lack of trust, this paper expounds the idea of estab...
Babbitt column | The end of the retail financing era, the beginning of the institutional financing era
First, ICO disappeared In the second half of 2017, it was the most crazy time for ICO. As far as I know, at least 3 t...
QKL123 market analysis | Bitcoin plummeted, "delivery day effect" pot? (0927)
Abstract: In the short-term market, the needles continue to be blood-washed. The altcoin is slightly stronger and the...
Facebook releases new version of LibraBFT protocol to reduce network complexity
The LibraBFT protocol is at the heart of the Facebook Libra blockchain and is responsible for ensuring secure state m...
The Fold App is financing $2.5 million, and users can use BTC to buy clothes or pizza while earning BTC
According to Coindesk's September 27 report, the Fold App, an app that supports Bitcoin Lightning Network Paymen...
Wanxiang and Xiao Feng's blockchain map: you can see the "tip of the iceberg"
How big is the blockchain layout of Wanxiang and Xiaofeng? The "Shanghai Blockchain International Week" hel...

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