Articles about Libra - Section 340
Looking at the research perspective of digital currency from Libra
Recently, Libra about Facebook has caused widespread public debates at home and abroad. However, although various sem...
Babbitt Column | Cai Weide: Only Digital Gold Can Fight Digital Dollars
preface We are in the midst of a huge historical change. This change is not only a technological change, but also a f...
The central bank’s digital renminbi is coming out, and the Bitcoin Librae currency is going to be cool?
The digital currency launched by the People's Bank of China does not refer to the digitization of the currency u...
Babbitt column | Gu Yanxi: the beginning of Libra, the end of the public chain
In a previous analysis of the public chain ( so many public chains, so few applications ), I pointed out that the lar...
Deng Jianpeng: Libra's potential risks and China's response
Source: Securities Daily Original title: "The potential risk Libra to deal with China's policy" Author...
Thinking about Libra | Zhou Xiaochuan: Calling for some kind of global central bank role "online"
Author: China People's Bank former president, president of the China Society for Finance Zhou Xiaochuan Good mor...
Libra node campaign list is big! More than ten institutions have applied for it publicly, and Gan and Gemini are waiting to see.
A node campaign for Libra is taking place worldwide. The initiator of this campaign is the Libra Association. Accordi...
Depth | From the history of currency and payment, Facebook’s “return to the ancestors”
“We have always believed that if you try to marry the US economy, you only need to take out its payment system...
Multinational privacy regulator issues a joint statement: six soul tortures against Libra
International data protection and privacy regulators have called on Facebook and the Libra network to explain how the...
Multi-country joint statement, asking the Libra Association to explain how to protect personal data
According to Cointelegraph, the Information Commissioner's Office, together with data and privacy protection aut...

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