Articles about staking - Section 198
Babbitt column | Building a POS layer on top of POW
In advance, this article is purely imaginary. The pros and cons of POW and POS are very controversial, and I don&apos...
Interpretation of wallet data: The exchange holds more than 12.4 billion mainstream currencies, who is the largest Holder?
QUICK TAKE The cryptocurrency exchange currently holds at least $12.4 billion in Bitcoin, Ethereum and USDT (Tether) ...
Thunder and heavy rain: Small Bakkt "Seeing the light dead"?
At 8 o'clock in the morning of September 23, Beijing time, with the transaction of the first bitcoin futures con...
Bitcoin plunged 21% last night, or related to the US House of Representatives impeaching Trump
Political analysts believe that this will be a replica of the Clinton impeachment case, that is, the House of Represe...
Vitalik: Understanding the new universal zero-knowledge proof scheme PLONK
Special thanks to Justin Drake, Karl Floersch, Xiao Wei Wang, Barry Whitehat, Dankrad Feist, and Zac Williamson for t...
The encryption market was battered, and Bitcoin plunged $1,000 an hour.
In the early morning of September 25th, Beijing time, the encryption market ushered in a sharp decline. According to ...
About Staking, which exploded in 2019, you need to understand these eight points.
introduction Following the popular concepts of ICO, Certified Economy and DAPP in 2018, the new concept of “St...
Technical Perspectives | Contract Upgrade for Python Smart Contract Tutorial
01 lead In the previous technical point of view, we introduced the contract native API and described how to us...
Blockchain and the traditional financial industry turtles race, who can win?
The transformative impact of software and the Internet on the financial services industry has been relatively low. Of...
Getting started with blockchain | Can Google's latest quantum computer crack bitcoin? Is the wallet safe?
Recently, “ Google’s claim that it has achieved quantum hegemony ” has been screened in various ...

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