Articles about Vitalik - Section 3

Explaining Zeth, the Ethereum Block Validator The First Type 0 zkEVM

Zeth completes all the work required to construct new blocks in zkVM without relying on validators or sync committees...

Dida Chain The ‘AMM Moment’ of Full-chain Gaming

Full-chain games initially used conventional 'lazy update' and 'manual ticking' for active game loops. After switchin...

Analyzing the Unique Aspects of Puffer Finance’s Design from the Perspective of Node Validation Rights

Puffer finance is a pioneer in helping individuals regain the power to build Ethereum staking by lowering the staking...

2023 On the eve of the L2 explosion, an analysis of various zkEVMs

Let us look forward to continuous innovation in expanding Ethereum and ZK Rollup on different paths. Original author ...

Vitalik on AI Will not replace humans, we will eventually adapt to the new technological wave

This kind of transformation from human to superhuman AI has only occurred three to four times in the history of the E...

How does Ethereum build ‘brick by brick’ for the metaverse?

At present, the field of Ethereum's metaverse remains resilient despite facing challenges. The potential of an open a...

Ethereum Foundation’s 10th AMA Highlights Validator Set, Randomness, DVT, and Technical Direction

Compilation | GaryMa Wu said the original link of the blockchain https//

Forbes: How did Craig Wright become “Satoshi Nakamoto”?

An intense debate surrounds whether 52-year-old Wright is the real Satoshi Nakamoto, as his Bitcoin wallet holds $3.3...

MPC+AA is the path that Crypto wallets with a billion users must go through for Mass Adoption.

A Review and Summary of the MPC vs. AA Debate Recently, Ethereum founder Vitalik weighed in on the ongoing debate ove...

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