Everyone asks Vitalik: BCH culture has made progress, MPC wallet has fundamental flaws, and the farthest distance traveled on foot is 113 kilometers.

Vitalik is asked about BCH culture, flaws in the MPC wallet, and his longest walk of 113 km.

Previously, Vitalik publicly stated that BCH was largely a failure. Now, he says that BCH has made progress culturally.

On June 28, Ethereum founder Vitalik held a public AMA on Twitter, answering various questions from the public, including industry-related and life-related questions. Among them were some interesting attitudes and views, even personal experiences.

For example, Vitalik believes that MPC-based EOA wallets have fundamental flaws, and that smart contract wallets are the only option. This has also prompted a backlash from MPC wallet professionals.

When answering a question from Bankless founder David, Vitalik expressed his dissatisfaction with those who only see tokenization as the main breakthrough and innovation of cryptocurrency. While acknowledging that tokenization promotes the emergence of new economic models and democratizes access to financial instruments, Vitalik seems to believe that this narrow perspective undermines the technology’s broader potential.

Previously, Vitalik publicly stated that BCH was largely a failure. Now, he says that BCH has made progress culturally.

Finally, Vitalik seems to have an impressive record, with the longest hike being 113 kilometers, taking 23 hours, which is terrifying.

Below is a selection of Q&A compiled by DeepTech:

Soul Wallet: If you could go back in time, would you include account abstraction on Ethereum?


Yes, of course. I think if I were starting a system from scratch, I would bake something like ERC-4337 into the design. Here’s a simple version:

  • Each user account has a “code hash” that can only read storage and tx.

  • tx first calls the code hash for verification; if verification is successful, the tx specifies the code to be executed by that account.

  • Nonces are still managed by Ethereum.

Now, the main thing that is missing here is aggregation, which becomes important (e.g. for proof aggregation). For this, I think it’s hard to choose between two options:

(i) A general-purpose aggregation system like ERC 4337.

(ii) A more opinionated system where the things being aggregated are “claims”, where one basic claim is a static call to the current Ethereum state, and then the claims get aggregated proofs via ZK-EVM.

Looking to the future, (ii) seems more correct.

By the way, I will also try to think about whether there are any useful methods to make privacy more native. It may not be something like zcash, but rather tools that make privacy easier. Maybe good recursive snarking is exactly what we need.

Eva Beylin: Which countries do you think are most likely to be the most crypto-friendly and become long-term livable cryptocurrency centers?

Vitalik: Generally more optimistic about small countries than large ones.

Owocki.Ξth: What are you excited about in the field of renewable/public goods financing?

Vitalik: Better tracking of where funds come from, so that the entire process tree that led to certain selected work can be identified and rewarded. I’m starting to see work in this area, and it would be cool to see more.

JAKE: What aspects of Zuzalu surprised you compared to expectations?

Vitalik: I think Zuzalu was successful as an experiment, and many core assumptions were validated:

1. It is possible to organize the entire thing.
2. People are willing to stay.
3. Successful ideas cross-pollinate.
4. Successful integration of ZK technology.
5. Successful support for a healthy culture.

I think the biggest unresolved issue is how to balance quality and inclusiveness on a scale. Currently, people I’ve talked to (and myself) seem to be leaning towards a multi-layered “community network”, which in practice depends on the details…

Evan Van Ness: Are you worried that Ethereum culture may be following a path too similar to Bitcoin culture, where the loudest voices are non-technical?

Vitalik: Not sure if non-technicality itself is the problem, it’s more like the intersection of (i) non-technicality, (ii) overconfidence, and (iii) confrontationalism, and I want to say the latter two are more important. But definitely worth paying attention to!

Longzhu: What do you imagine the scale and complexity of a human Mars city to be? If there are 1 million people living on Mars by 2050, and a ticket to Mars costs only $50,000, and Ethereum TPS reaches 60 million, would you permanently go to Mars?

Vitalik: It depends on quality of life! (and also what sort of jurisdictional power and culture the Mars city ends up having…)

Pourteaux: Do you think it’s worth building kinship between Ethereum and Bitcoin holders? If so, how can we achieve that?
Vitalik: I would say that a potentially important area of coordination is to work more closely together in supporting non-blockchain based freedom + privacy tools. End-to-end messaging (without phone numbers), internet anonymity, end-to-end collaboration tools, secure operating systems (graphene, qubes), open hardware, open VR…

DavidHoffman: What’s your least favorite/most exhausting aspect of the crypto world?
Vitalik: As always, people thinking that the main innovation in cryptocurrency is tokenization. Second is:
1. Capital allocation on a massive scale (editor’s note: seems to refer to capital being allocated to what he sees as garbage projects).
2. People who easily compromise on principles (cough cough, fake libertarians…).
3. On the other side, unrealistic purity beliefs (“12-word seed phrases are good enough for anyone!”).
4. Unnecessary conflict

Yuga: What do you think about the pros and cons of MPC (EOA) based wallet and smart contract wallets?
Vitalik: MPC-based EOA wallets have a fundamental flaw because they can’t revoke keys (re-sharing doesn’t count and old holders can still recover the key). Smart-contract wallets are the only choice.

Note: Subsequently, the founder of MPC wallet Bitizen responded, saying that Vitalik is a brilliant programmer but may also be a terrible product manager.


QMA564: What are the apps you use most often?
Vitalik: Browser, chat apps, duolingo, pleco (Chinese learning companion), Eth wallet.

Yama: Will you continue to donate to Ukraine?

Vitalik: Yes, I made donations in several places this year. (Note: he later clarified that he donated cryptocurrency such as ETH directly.)

Andrey: What do you think are the top 5-10 most likely causes of catastrophic outcomes caused by humans in the next century?


1. Artificial Intelligence 2. Carefully designed super pandemics Nuclear war is heading towards the fate of sub-existence, and indestructible authoritarianism enhanced by artificial intelligence is also a concern.

The Bitcoin Cash Podcast: How do you view BCH now? I think your last public comments were mainly due to the concentration of internal rebellion, will the stability of the past 2.5 years and the current unity of the community make you reconsider this view?

Vitalik: Visible cultural progress! Good luck to you.

Alex: What is the latest research direction of p2p network related to Ethereum that is worth studying for new researchers/research engineers?

Vitalik: Just make the existing Ethereum p2p layer more powerful (including intentional censorship, firewalls, etc.), not sexy, but very important.

Cxqmaggie: What is the farthest distance you have traveled?


NIMI VISHI: This is a question about Zuzalu, what is the biggest achievement? What areas do you plan to do better in next time? When is the next event?


About 10 ideas, but I hope to see coordination of free/open/decentralized/privacy-friendly technology go deeper than zuBlockings and zupolls.

Secondly, using ETH payments on L2, dump the telegram, use @ethstatus or @skiffprivacy or other alternatives.

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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