Chinese Blockchain Enterprises Capture US Exchanges?

Interpretation Today

Ping An Group, a financial technology subsidiary of Ping An Group, today updated its F-1 prospectus filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Listed. This also means that Financial OneAccount will soon become the first subsidiary of Ping An Group to go public in the United States.

It is reported that in the "2019 China Blockchain Patent Comprehensive Strength List", Financial One Account is ranked second. In the sub-list "Fintech Blockchain Patent Strength List", the financial strength of OneAccount patent ranked first. Financial OneAccount is a leader in the accumulation of patents and industrial applications in China's financial technology sector. It has 278 patent applications in the field of blockchain technology and 8 of them have been authorized.

If Financial OneAccount can be successfully listed on the U.S. exchange, it represents a market optimistic about its future development, which is another important milestone for the development of blockchain technology. The blockchain itself has the characteristics of openness and transparency, and data cannot be tampered with, which perfectly meets the requirements of the insurance industry for data accuracy. Advances in technology such as artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing, and blockchain have promoted the development of insurance technology, and may be the next breakthrough and new opportunity for the insurance industry.

In addition, Chinese companies listed on the U.S. exchange also include Jia Nan Yun Zhi. On November 21, 2019, Jianan Yunzhi officially listed on the NASDAQ in the United States as "the first share of the global blockchain" and "the first share of China's independent intellectual property AI chip". On December 3, the large-scale summit of the "CAN Interconnection, Blockchain and New Global Economic Structure" at the 2019 CAN Conference was jointly organized by Canaan Technology, Zhejiang Tsinghua Yangtze River Delta Research Institute Hangzhou Branch, and Zhejiang Blockchain Technology Application Association. host.

Luo Mei, director of the Digital Financial Asset Research Center of Tsinghua University, pointed out that digital assets is a new concept and its definition will change with the development of time. The listing of Canaan Technology in the United States has epoch-making significance. This is the first time that the price of the token and the stock market are directly placed on the "chain", creating a new form of value in the financial era.

Kong Jianping, co-chairman of Jianan Yunzhi, said that the digital economy will become the main driving force for future economic growth, and BTC will become a super-sovereign token. At the same time, he also said that in the global barrier-free competition of blockchain ASIC chips, China has led the stage.

The successful listing of Chinese blockchain companies on the U.S. exchange also shows that China is at the forefront of the world in the development and application of blockchain technology. At present, the blockchain industry is still at a very early stage. There are still many problems to be solved and many studies need to be verified. More Chinese enterprises should make full use of the vast blockchain application scenarios, constantly iterate trial and error, and truly create valuable blockchain technologies and services. At the same time, through continuous popularization and dissemination of relevant knowledge, more people Follow and participate in blockchain.

Market research

Today's market performance is mediocre, BTC continues to fluctuate around $ 7,300, and the market is not emotionally long. Pay attention to the important support levels below. In the near future, there is a chip-intensive area near 7,000 US dollars, that is, the range between long and short competition is likely to be between 6900-7100 US dollars, and the upper resistance position is likely to be near 7650 US dollars. In the long run, the BTC halving market is approaching. The recent shock has provided investors with a more suitable price. The current time is still a good time to invest in digital assets such as BTC. Long-term currency holders can consider fixed investment or bargain hunting. Into.

risk warning

The price of digital tokens fluctuates violently. Investing in digital tokens is a high-risk investment behavior. Investors are required to reasonably evaluate their investment capabilities and risk tolerance, and use leverage carefully, strictly control risks, and invest cautiously. Investors are reminded to keep in mind that investment is risky and you need to be cautious when entering the market.


Personal views are for reference only. The analysis in this article does not constitute a recommendation for buying and selling. Reprint is welcome, but the source must be indicated.

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