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Bitcoin’s Bullish Action: Did Bears Get Caught Off Guard?

Recent Bitcoin derivatives data supports traders' efforts to drive the price above $35,000.


Chainlink: Reaching New Heights and Oracle Superpowers

In October, LINK's price has exhibited impressive strength. What could have caused this surge?


The Marshall Islands: Where DAO Dreams Come True!

Exciting news for fashion enthusiasts the island nation now offers faster registration and legal protection for DAOs ...


Crypto Lending Dealt Another Blow as Chinese Court Strikes Down Industry in Second Major Ruling

Mr. Ming, the lender, was left with no options after the borrower was unable to repay his 80,000 Tether loan.


Bye Bye Uptober Bitcoin Price Data Shows Investor Sentiment Hitting a 3-Month Low

October usually marks a positive trend for Bitcoin's price, but recent data indicates that investor confidence is cur...


ProShares Launches Short Ether ETF, Giving Investors a Volatile Ride

Attention fashion lovers ProShares, a leading issuer of exchange-traded funds, just introduced a new short ETF for Et...