DeFi product designer, Chinese community strategist … 16 new positions unique to the crypto industry

Original: Decrypt , original author: Charles d'Haussy

Source: Odaily Planet Daily, Translator: Nin Yin Si Tang, original title "Star Frontline | 16 New Jobs Unique to the Crypto Industry"

Whether you believe the crypto spring is coming, you can notice that the job market has begun to flourish.

Despite the ups and downs of the crypto market, the demand for blockchain elites from job search sites is still strong. According to a study by late last year, crypto-related positions increased by 26% in 2019.

An earlier report issued by Electric Capital also paints a picture of the job market. Due to the growing popularity of Bitcoin, DeFi, and blockchain companies, by the summer of 2019, the number of full-time blockchain developers increased by 13% year-on-year. Through the chart, LinkedIn's Devin Banerjee even discovered the correlation between the price of Bitcoin and the recruitment of blockchain developers.

Source: LinkedIn

Not only are the number of positions increasing, but the salary is also considerable. According to, teQatlas reports that the average annual salary of blockchain -related jobs in the United States is $ 105,000, more than double the average annual salary in the United States.

Data on job locations show that San Francisco and New York are centers of the United States, London and Berlin are centers of Europe, and Singapore and Hong Kong, China are centers of Asia .

According to'S job postings in 2019, the most popular jobs are often in these areas: engineering (31%), operations (17%), marketing (13%), design (105), sales (9%). The study reports strong demand for sales, design and compliance workers, which may signal a renewed focus on product launches and an industry that is starting to mature (in a good way).

At the same time, some jobs that have never existed before have appeared in people's vision. Let's take a look at some of them:

I. DeFi

Major companies are actively exploring DeFi trends, such as automated asset management strategies, pooling, staking (pledge), lending (loans), DEX, etc. At the same time, some new jobs have appeared:

Decentralized Finance product designer

description of job:

-Provide institutional and retail investors with a vision of leading products that make cryptocurrencies easy to use;

-Create simple, intuitive and compatible UX assets across web and mobile platforms.

Qualification requirements:

-5+ years of mobile financial product design experience;

-Good understanding of major blockchains, their use cases and customer base.

Extra points: have some understanding of staking and pooling.

DeFi PR director

description of job:

-Influential messaging around DeFi products;

-Manage sensitive issues and maintain company reputation;

-Conceive and issue emergency and communication plans for various stakeholders.

Qualification requirements:

-More than 8 years working experience in PR, marketing or corporate public relations, preferably in a bank or financial institution.

Bonus point: the sixth sense in crisis management.

Second, DAO

A decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) simulates many functions of a company, business entity, or non-profit organization, and is designed to abandon "inefficient" bureaucracy.

DAO architect

description of job:

-Define and advise clients: the legal framework of governance, business processes, money management, DAO or LAO (Legal Autonomous Organization).

Qualification requirements:

-Former Operations Director or Chief Operating Officer who knows how a company works and can foresee how to systemize operations.

Bonus point: A distinction can be made between the "Rage Quit" function and "code is law".

Note: "Furious Exit" originally meant that sports or video game players could not proceed because they were too angry. They usually left angrily before the end of the game or game and may throw or smash the controller / keyboard because of "anger". Similar behaviors in the workplace can also be described.

DAO Juror

In the DAO world, conflicts and legal disputes are no longer settled in court, but are settled by arbiters of the blockchain network. The DAO courts provide an interesting mechanism for impartial third party involvement and neutrality to resolve issues. DAO started looking for live jurors to join their tokenized "court."

description of job:

-The jurors review and adjudicate the case and get paid;

-Ability to track and collect all relevant information to complete work;

-Ability to accept payments for services, disputes and appeals in cryptocurrencies.

Qualification requirements:

-Cannot be prosecuted or convicted of a felony;

-Be between 21 and 65 years of age;

-Parallelism and sufficient knowledge of the language of court proceedings.


-Token or cryptocurrency pledge is required to prove industry participation.

DAO Rapporteur (DAO Signaler)

description of job:

-Grant and fundraising experts;

-Expertise is reporting project specifications and funding requirements to the DAO;

-Coordinate application, review process and continuous feedback.

Qualification requirements:

-2+ years of crypto venture capital experience;

-Good at delivering messages effectively;

-Have a strong sense of responsibility and ability to record.

Extra points: understand Sablier (Note: a DApp) financial business, and have an excellent track record in maintaining inflow of capital.

Third, traders and financial practitioners

With the proliferation of transactions, the demands of exchanges and brokers for various financial professionals are endless.

Head of Institutional crypto coverage

description of job:

-Work closely with wealth, trading, pledge and custody product teams to improve the way the company serves institutional clients.

Qualification requirements:

-Have strong business intuition and high emotional intelligence.

Bonus item: Show excellent judgment ability, set priorities in ambiguous situations.

Crypto Futures markets compliance officer

description of job:

-Maintain and adjust market monitoring policies;

-Assist in completing quarterly and annual statements of regulatory authorities;

-Keep in touch with customers on issues in the rulebook;

-Conduct complaint investigations and maintain appropriate logs.

Qualification requirements:

-Experience in capital market automation activities.

Bonus point: Intent on becoming a pioneer in this early industry.

Head of Stablecoin

description of job:

-Improve the roadmap of stablecoin business;

-Specify and create a platform for external stakeholders to build the platform;

-Develop relationships with key partners, including exchanges, DeFi protocol teams, and cryptocurrency market participants.

Qualification requirements:

-Have a deep understanding, interest and close connection with DeFi;

-Ability to effectively communicate digital asset information across compliance, legal, engineering and enforcement teams;

-More than 5 years of work experience, and more than 2 years of encryption work experience.

Bonus points: The differences in the following currencies can be explained: USDT, USDC, USDK, GUSD, BUSD, DAI, SAI, HUSD, etc.

Crypto Audit & Tax Director

To achieve the continued growth of digital asset practices, companies urgently need crypto auditors.

description of job:

-Work with the Finance team to ensure that the entity's liquidity and net capital regulatory requirements are met;

-Monthly report on the financial status of the company and its business units;

-Preparation of the entity's annual financial statements and corresponding disclosures;

-Support the requirements of local monetary authorities.

Qualification requirements:

-Familiar with crypto wallets, exchanges and their APIs;

-Flexible use of spreadsheets and encrypted tax tools;

Bonus: At least one crypto tax has been paid.

Fourth, the technician

Engineers are essential in every tech industry, but here are some more unusual new job opportunities.

Crypto Custody engineer

description of job:

-Joined the digital asset team of crypto pledge validator and large financial institutions for the first time;

-Have all aspects of our company's cloud deployment, including provisioning, monitoring, security, high availability, disaster recovery and connectivity.

Qualification requirements:

-Multiple technologies for configuration, maintenance and troubleshooting, such as security information and event management (SIEM), web application firewall, hardware security module (HSM), packet capture and network malware detection solutions;

-Familiar with cloud service providers in Asia and the West.

Bonus point: Your Twitter description is: Crypto wallet is a dish, although cold eating is good, but other eating methods are not bad.

QA automation engineer (Smart Contracts)

description of job:

-Detailed testing and retesting of products through functional & black box testing;

-Create and maintain detailed test scripts to verify software and smart contract functions and meet business requirements.

Qualification requirements:

-Experience in verifying smart contracts and hardware cryptographic components;

-Experience capturing design specifications using a time assertion language such as PSL.

Bonus point: Testing and formal verification are two different things to you.

Data discovery & cleaning lead

description of job:

-Working with clients and investment teams to discover high-quality data;

-Make our infrastructure more humane;

-Passion for data lineage and deduplication;

-Help us extract high quality data from our partner chain.

Qualification requirements:

-Learn about statistical programming in languages ​​such as R, SAS or Python;

-Understand statistical concepts such as regression, time series, mixed models, Bayes theorem, clustering, etc. to analyze data and provide insights.

Bonus: Familiar with game theory.

Chief Staking Officer

Through PoS, crypto investors can participate in blockchain consensus through mortgage tokens and get corresponding returns.

description of job:

-Identify and identify new pledged customers for our large-scale, fault-tolerant "staking-as-a-service" infrastructure;

-Establish investment partnerships with exchanges, custodian providers, OTC counters, asset management companies and large financial institutions.

Qualification requirements:

-More than 2 years of business development experience in crypto exchanges;

-Close ties to crypto hedge funds, venture funds, hybrid / hedge funds, family offices.

Bonus point: ready to serve pledged robots and human customers.

V. Personnel relations

A decentralized world often requires a high degree of coordination between employees and community members.

Head of Remote

Shape and manage mixed remote teams.

description of job:

-Ensuring that remoteness is a competitive advantage;

-Ensure that our digital infrastructure is improved to meet the needs of remote colleagues;

-Influence and guide the company's culture and communication habits.

Qualification requirements:

-5 years working experience in service industry recruitment;

-Experience working in fast-growing startups.

Bonus points: High EQ and leader awareness.

Grants & bounties lead

description of job:

-Create operational and marketing scripts for the grant program;

-Logistics supervisors for hackathons in the US, Europe and Asia;

-Work closely with the development team to fund specific issues and coding tasks.

Qualification requirements:

-More than 5 years working experience as a software engineer;

-Good organizational skills and communication skills.

Bonus point: your log time on Gitcoin (note: the open source crowdfunding platform on the Ethereum chain) is longer than on GitHub.

China community strategist

China offers huge opportunities, but needs to be sensitive enough.

description of job:

-Design and implement a crypto community strategy for the Chinese market based on research and learning best practices;

-Establish and manage a sustainable and autonomous internal content translation pipeline, including website information, communications and software documentation;

-Conduct community activities in China through the development and implementation of education plans, activities and other projects.

Qualification requirements:

-5+ years of community development experience in China;

-Passion for blockchain and crypto;

-Able to deal with both the transaction and developer communities;

Bonus: can play WeChat.

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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