Ethereum 2.0 will release the latest version of the code specification v0.11.1, giving a green light to the multi-client test network release

Trustnodes reported on March 31 that Ethereum 2.0 client developers are currently working to implement the latest specifications released after a code audit.


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Ethereum 2.0 coordinator Danny Ryan said the release "fixes some bugs found in the Phase 0 specification and will continue to refine the network specifications as the client team completes their implementation."

Lighthouse's Paul Hauner said they plan to merge the Lighthouse version v0.11.1 update into the master today or tomorrow. This is the latest specification. The specification version 0.11 gave a green light to the release of the multi-client testnet, so it is highly anticipated. Horner stated:

"We've got some good information from Afri Schoeden, and he's already working on building an Ethereum 2.0 multi-client testnet."

Avery doesn't need much introduction, he worked for a long time on Ethereum and participated in the launch of Goerli testnet. He has been using our development tools, and it can be said that he is the first user other than the tool developer. Not only did Avery find some big holes, he also asked very detailed and useful questions.

To our knowledge, the development of the storage contract has been completed, but will not be released "before the target release date of Ethereum 2.0", Ryan further stated today:

"The Least Authority audit helped us patch some DoS vectors with additional verification conditions (questions A and B) in the Gossip message, made us more aware of the public block proposer leader election (questions C and D), and prompted We further investigate potential DoS attacks using libp2p gossipsub control messages (Issue G). "

So it looks like this is preparing for the final stages, and the biggest job right now is the multi-client testnet release that developers are working on. At that time, everyone will have a better understanding of the state of the new Ethereum blockchain. If everything goes well in the test network, it will start in real time in three months.

After Ethereum 2.0 launches in real time, everything will start to become more interesting. Because initially in Ethereum 1.0, this blockchain framework is very simple, and the verifier is only verifying the block, but in a shard-like system, the verifier will be assigned to different subnets (shards) .

Developers will then add more stuff for storing shards in phase 1, and it will only become fully useful when full sharding is initiated in phase 2. One big thing before that is the plan to integrate the current proof-of-work (PoW) blockchain into a new proof-of-stake (PoS) blockchain in phase 1.5.

This has reduced the annual inflation rate of Ethereum from the current about 4% to 0.22%, but there are not many details about how this integration is carried out. The current focus is mainly on the first release of the multi-client test network, and then this year A genesis block that may start in the summer.

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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