CoinMarketCap reveals 0th cryptocurrency, ahead of Bitcoin

Today is April Fool's Day and CoinMarketCap (CMC) also entertained. This cryptocurrency data website has witnessed the birth of a large number of "toilet paper tokens".

CMC ranked toilet paper tokens (TPT) at No. 0 on March 31, and the circulation supply was out of stock.


April Fool's Day 2020 comes at a time of panic virus and market decline.

In view of the warnings from governments around the world to stay at home and concerns about the shortage of supplies, people have gone to supermarkets to buy toilet paper, which has caused a shortage of toilet paper. Toilet paper has become the new gold overseas, similar to medical masks two months ago.

CoinMarketCap's toilet paper tokens were priced at $ 1.64 as of press time, having increased by 1123.97% over the past 24 hours, with a transaction volume of $ 41.76 billion.

The chart of toilet paper notes shows that the asset recently completed a beautiful double bottom pattern, suggesting that it will cause prices to rise.

Clicking on the toilet bill entered an article on the CMC blog detailing the toilet papers of various generations, connecting to today's consumers, who have hoarded more toilet papers since the end of 2019.

CoinMarketCap reveals 0th cryptocurrency, ahead of Bitcoin

Toilet paper bills use "smut contracts" (dirty contracts, imitating smart contracts), "Airplops" (imitating airdrops, plop refers to the sound of objects falling into the water) and "Initial Scattering Offering", or ISO attract user. The newspaper listed a total supply of 8 billion tokens for purchase on the "Shitake Exchange" (a fictional exchange) on April 1.

Toilet paper bills are still compliant. "Our KYC (Know-Your-Colon: Know Your Colon) process works in conjunction with our erasure proof chain (blindly compiled an algorithmic mechanism) to facilitate each user's KYC check and ensure they can do it themselves Erase because users who do not fall into this category cannot participate in the token sale, "the document details.

Well, it is a coin with a strong sense of picture. Happy April Fools' Day!

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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