From technology open source to industry connection, Babbitt Academy and Weizhong Bank hold blockchain open course

After the eighteenth collective study on the current status and trends of blockchain technology development on October 24, the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, the industry has rapidly set off a wave of blockchain research and application.

"My phone is about to be blown up", "I also received a lot of information here, and people from all walks of life came to ask about blockchain innovation", "The spring of the application of the blockchain and physical enterprise scene comes Up. "

The blockchain has ushered in a policy storm. In the past month, many blockchain technology service companies have reported to Babbitt. Recently, they have actively come to seek business cooperation, and the number of signings has risen sharply. Overdone.

Of course, what follows is the trouble of happiness.

"Now the leadership is all flying trapeze," "there are not enough people."

By contacting these blockchain companies, Babbitt clearly felt that there is still a shortage of blockchain talents , which greatly restricted the implementation of blockchain technology in the physical industry.

Blockchain technology integrates mathematics, cryptography, economics, sociology and other disciplines. It also needs to be implemented in many fields such as finance, people's livelihood, smart cities, and government affairs. It has extremely high requirements for talents and requires cross-industry knowledge recognition. Knowledge and solutions.

It is not difficult to see why in the eighteenth collective study, the Central Political Bureau emphasized the training and construction of talents.

"It is necessary to strengthen the construction of the talent team, establish and improve the talent training system, create various forms of high-level talent training platforms, and cultivate a group of leading figures and high-level innovation teams."

At present, the blockchain talent training system is not perfect, which is mainly reflected in policies, universities, and talent standards.

In terms of policies, local governments such as Shanghai, Hong Kong, Hangzhou, Chongqing, and Guiyang have successively promulgated the "robber" policy of the digital economy blockchain industry, but the relevant clear personnel training policies are in a blank state.

From the perspective of the traditional university education and training system, universities in various countries are actively developing blockchain-related courses. The country has a late start, lacks standardization, has low curriculum versatility, and is extremely lacking in teachers.

In terms of talent standards, currently only a few institutions have launched blockchain talent certification, and the industry lacks uniform standards.

In order to make up for the shortage of blockchain talents as soon as possible, governments, universities, academic institutions, and enterprises have put blockchain talents on the agenda and jointly established a new market mechanism for talents training.

Under this opportunity, Babbitt College, in conjunction with Weizhong Bank and the FISCO BCOS open source community, held the Babbitt Academy X Weizhong Bank Blockchain Open Course with the theme of "From Technology Open Source to Industrial Connection".

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Babbitt College relies on Babbitt and has the industry's top faculty. Since the start of the course in March 2018, it has sent 10,000 outstanding students to the industry in the past two years, which has effectively promoted the ecological development of the blockchain industry.

According to data released by IPRdaily Chinese website and incoPat Innovation Index Research Center, Weizhong Bank has disclosed 217 blockchain invention patents in 2019, ranking fifth in the world. With a package of open source technology solutions as its core, Weizhong Bank has comprehensively built a financial-grade blockchain infrastructure that meets the requirements of distributed business development, including FISCO BCOS, the underlying open-source platform for financial blockchains jointly launched by the Golden Link Alliance open source working group Multiple self-developed and completely open source blockchain technology solutions, such as entity identity and trusted data exchange solution Weldentity, blockchain-based distributed event-driven architecture WeEvent, blockchain middleware platform WeBASE, etc. Application ecology on this incubation blockchain.

Through this open class, both parties will use their respective advantages to influence and train more blockchain enthusiasts and even blockchain talents in the form of experience output, results sharing, case teaching and research. In the field of blockchain talents and training, make positive contributions to the industry.

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We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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