MakerDAO founder: The foundation will be dissolved in two years, and the preliminary draft of the governance transfer plan will be announced next week


Translation: Rhythm BlockBeats

The Maker Foundation revealed that it plans to start handing over governance power to the community within the next two years, and will announce the preliminary draft of a new community-based governance paradigm next Monday. The Maker Foundation has outlined the framework of self-sustainable DAO. The new framework is characterized by electing paid contributors and domain teams, Maker improvement suggestions, and voting representatives. MakerDAO founder Rune Christensen (Rune Christensen) said that the foundation will gradually dissolve after two years.

The foundation will announce the initial plans for 13 maker improvement proposals next Monday, including the core governance structure and the subsidiary listing process. Christensen believes that the current ecosystem dependence on the foundation is unsustainable in the long run. In view of the trouble Maker encountered on Black Thursday: After a series of incidents with liquidation disasters, the DAI system suffered a deficit of $ 5.3 million. Christensen believes that the foundation needs to accelerate its dissolution and begin to transfer its risk management capabilities to the community.

In order to initiate this process, the Maker Foundation has drafted a preliminary set of proposals outlining the core governance structure and accompanying onboarding process. The draft will be released on April 6. The community can then vote on them, provide new proposals, or propose alternative processes. However, it may take years for the Maker Foundation to completely dissolve. Prior to this, the Foundation will promote and supervise the governance design and knowledge transfer process to ensure that its final dissolution will not negatively affect the performance of the system.

The selected paid contributors ensure the operation of the system

The new, community-based governance system will feature elected paid contributors (EPCs) and domain teams. They will act as "public servants" of the ecosystem, providing various expertise ranging from security maintenance to long-term development of protocols. An agreement will be drawn up to elect and pay them.

Domain teams, as a subset of EPCs, will have special permissions for certain processes based on their expertise. For example, the risk team will have the power of the risk management process and will conduct a comprehensive review of relevant proposals before the community votes on them. Although risk management is the most important task, a wide range of tasks can also be delegated to EPCs, including marketing, human resources, and legal research. However, the community must later decide on the exact structure and responsibilities of the emergency programme committee through formal proposals.

Christensen added that before the foundation can be safely disbanded, it is crucial to first transfer the foundation's technical knowledge to EPCs.

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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