Putting AI into NFT: Humans.AI – Let artificial intelligence live on in the Web3 gene pool “Digital Immortality”

Humans.AI: Merging AI and NFTs for "Digital Immortality" in Web3

Introduction to Humans.AI Project

The core feature is the NFT-ization of human identity “genes”

How does the AI NFT work?

  • A descriptive component – A set of governance rules outlining biometric data, as well as the creator/owner overview of the AI NFT, and other data confirming the existence of the NFT on the blockchain.
  • A computational component – A container structure that encapsulates an AI network. Through a novel zero-knowledge cryptography called zero-knowledge succinct non-interactive argument of knowledge (zk-SNARKs), we can ensure that no entity can execute AI components from the container without the digital signature of the AI NFT owner.

AI Library

Proof of Heart Consensus Mechanism: Core of the AI Ecosystem

Explains how to use her biometric data.

  • Workers: Agents who analyze requests sent to the AI NFT to see if there are any differences from the rules embedded in the AI NFT. Based on their analysis, workers can vote whether to accept or reject the request.
  • Block Producers: After the worker has voted and agreed on the request, the block producer is responsible for actually validating the request. They are called block producers because, once they give the final confirmation, they sign the request grouped in a block that is added to the blockchain to facilitate transparency and traceability.

$HEART: Core of the Humans.AI Currency Ecosystem

  1. $HEART TOKENS: Used for governance and payments within the ecosystem
  2. NON-FUNGIBLE TOKENS (NFTS): Used for ownership of algorithms, genomes, data, artificial intelligence, and applications
  3. ERC20 TOKENS: Represent governance and revenue rights for each NFT

  • Casting NFT
  • Account verification and transaction payment
  • Creating applications
  • Adding AI to the synthetic operating system



  1. https://medium.com/humansdotai/heart-the-heartbeat-of-the-humans-ai-ecosystem-ed722f7c3c7e
  2. https://medium.com/humansdotai/humans-ai-presents-proof-of-human-d88bcec585dc
  3. https://medium.com/humansdotai/the-portrait-of-a-validator-in-the-blockchain-ecosystem-b04ca09a63bc
  4. https://medium.com/humansdotai/ai-on-blockchain-the-launchBlockingd-of-humans-ai-ecosystem-b2f96eb8cc5a
  5. https://blog.humans.ai/blockchain-and-ai-how-they-can-work-together/
  6. https://blog.humans.ai/humans-synapse-enabling-token-transfers-between-two-distinct-blockchains-2/
  7. https://medium.com/humansdotai/the-humans-delegator-guidebook-457707ceb130

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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