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The game of the exchange after the BCHSV "belowed"

The representative of the BSV community, Craig S Wright (CSW), has always claimed to be Nakamoto, and the people in t...


Getting Started | What is an aggregate transaction? What are the operating principles and advantages?

Recently, the concept of aggregate transactions has been repeatedly mentioned, how is aggregated trading realized? Wh...


Is CoinDesk selling at a loss with a valuation of $125 million after being in business for ten years?

On the occasion of its tenth anniversary and after being held by DCG Group for eight years, CoinDesk, the cryptocurre...


When the PoS gold rush era is opened, who will become the next bit continent?

background The first generation of cryptocurrency bitcoin, which brought the necessary changes to our world, and the ...


Jump Trading's Crypto Waterloo: Forced to Exit US Crypto Trading Market, Facing Terra Class Action Lawsuit

For Jump Trading, the traditional high-frequency trading giant in the encryption circle, the past year has undoubtedl...


Why is selling risk the good business model?

The top companies, the market makers, are the ones who sell risk. They are the giants who have stacked up their finan...