Reviewing the most controversial moments in Moonbirds history

Moonbirds' most controversial moments reviewed

Cryptocurrency KOL Lamboland has exposed the dark side of NFTs, reviewing the most controversial moments in Moonbirds history.

Team member front-running: Moonbirds’ Chief Operating Officer began purchasing rare Moonbirds just 2 hours after their release. This was a shady move as he was knowledgeable about all the rare numbers and post-mining marketing plans. Less than 2 weeks later, he left Moonbirds to start his own NFT fund.

Unannounced advertising: The team provided free Moonbirds to celebrities. However, these celebrities deceitfully concealed the fact that they received these NFTs for free when tweeting about Moonbirds.

Poor communication: KOL Nesanel held Moonbirds for over 9 months. After the floor price and trust plummeted, he reached out to Kevin Rose with concerns. Kevin Rose responded to Nesanel saying that Moonbirds weren’t actually a good fit for him. This led to Nesanel selling his Moonbirds.


We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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