Comparison of the performance of Optimism and Arbitrum in the past three months

Optimism and Arbitrum performance comparison in the last 3 months

Cryptocurrency KOL Popesuc Razvan compares the performance of Optimism and Arbitrum over the past three months from the perspectives of Reach, Retention, and Revenue.

The Reach, Retention, and Revenue framework focuses on important metrics for any blockchain ecosystem. All blockchains should be concerned with three things: expanding their user base (Reach), retaining their user base (Retention), and monetizing their user base (Revenue).

Optimism averages 254,566 transactions per day, with an average of 72,734 active addresses per day, or 3.23 transactions per second. Arbitrum averages 1,230,979 transactions per day, with an average of 236,396 active addresses per day, or 11.73 transactions per second, indicating that Arbitrum is more dynamic. Interestingly, even though Arbitrum appears to be 4-5 times busier, the ratio between Arbitrum’s average transactions per day divided by active addresses, at 5.20, is not far from Optimism’s 3.5.

Optimism’s retention rate appears to be slowly declining (the bear market atmosphere may be a factor). Arbitrum’s retention rate appears to be declining more rapidly (perhaps due to airdrops).

OptimismDEX has a total trading volume of $1 billion, gas consumption of $42,729, and gas fees of 0.01 cents. Optimism is about public goods, so there is little speculative activity related to transaction volume. Arbitrum has approximately $52 billion in DEX trading volume, $303,311,801 in gas consumption, and an average gas fee of $2-4.


We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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