These two days of an explosive event spread in the currency circle, involving hundreds of million...
The hearing gathered the CEOs of the seven largest US banks. Talking about the high paying of Wal...
When the sidechain was originally announced as a concept in 2014, the technology was widely consi...
Due to the decentralized nature of the blockchain (ie, no entity controls its operation), more an...
In the previous article, "Tencent just announced the public beta, this is the first blockcha...
Ever since, influenced by Bitcoin, the originator of the mountain, cryptocurrency has always had ...
Before writing a text, first face a question: What is the role of the blockchain? As a researcher...
In the past two days, the amount of BTC has actually shrunk very small, and there is no amount at...
2256 is the 256th power of 2. For the blockchain and encryption industry, what does this figure m...
Foreword: Byzantine fault tolerance is a common term in the blockchain field and it is also a cor...