Research Report | Guangzhou Blockchain Industrialization Policy Statistics, Investment Funds and Scenario Applications

Author: Zhao Jing

This report was jointly released by the Zero One Think Tank & Digital Asset Research Institute

Editor's Note: Original title "Guangzhou Blockchain Industry and Park Development Report"

In terms of the innovative application of blockchain technology and the development of industrialization, although Guangzhou started late, in the past two years, Huangpu District and Guangzhou Development Zone have been used as reformation test fields, taking advantage of the geographical advantages of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area to grasp Blockchain development opportunities, vigorously promote the agglomeration development of blockchain companies.

Guangzhou's blockchain industrialization construction has achieved quite impressive results. At present, there are 5 blockchain industrial parks in Guangzhou, the number of which is in a leading position in the country. Blockchain technology has also been applied in multiple scenarios such as government affairs, taxation, and smart cities, which is in line with the region's superior economic environment and scientific research capabilities. , Talent advantage and policy support are inseparable. In addition, the establishment of the Blockchain Industry Fund, the establishment of the Guangzhou Blockchain Industry Association, and the establishment of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Blockchain Alliance have also provided strong support and guarantee for the development of the blockchain.

This report is part of Zero One Think Tank's regional industry development research. This series of studies will form a series of blockchain regional development reports and research through the study of the regional blockchain industry development environment, policies, and achievements in the country. The case report of the park, combined with various factors, ranks the national blockchain industrial park.

In 2016, China ’s first inclusion of “blockchain” in the “Thirteenth Five-Year Information Plan”, on October 24 this year, the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China conducted the eighteenth collective learning on the status and trends of blockchain technology development, further emphasizing Blockchain technology plays an important role in the development of the basic economy. At this point, blockchain technology has ushered in a new round of development climax.

Compared with Beijing and Shanghai, Guangzhou's blockchain development has started late, but in the past two years, Guangzhou has grasped the opportunities of blockchain development. With Huangpu District and Guangzhou Development Zone as the focus of development, Guangzhou ’s deep manufacturing industry is used. Foundation, continuously accelerating the development of blockchain technology and industrial agglomeration, and vigorously promote the development of the digital industry economy.

The Guangzhou Municipal Government and district governments have successively introduced a series of blockchain policies to further provide support and guarantee for the industrialization of the blockchain. In addition, Guangzhou's strong economic development capacity, vibrant research atmosphere, and abundant human resources have created a good environment for the industrialization of the blockchain in the region, and also constituted the height of the Guangzhou blockchain. An indispensable and important factor in the construction of agglomeration industrial parks.

I. Industrial background and policies for the development of blockchain in Guangzhou

(I) Economic Development

In the context of the economic downturn, Guangzhou's economic development has always maintained a steady growth trend. In 2018, the region's GDP reached 2,258.935 billion yuan, an increase of 6.3% over the previous year. The three major industries have also achieved varying degrees of growth. The growth rates of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries were 2.5%, 5.4%, and 6.6%, respectively.

Figure 1 Changes in Guangzhou's GDP and output value of the three major industries from 2015 to 2018 (Unit: 100 million yuan)


Data source: Guangzhou Statistics Bureau, Zero One Think Tank

Among them, Huangpu District and Guangzhou Development Zone are the key areas for science and technology development in Guangzhou. Financial support has provided strong support for the development and innovation of science and technology in the region. Statistics show that the local disposable financial resources and local fiscal expenditures of the Guangzhou Development Zone have maintained a rapid growth trend since 2016. Especially in 2018, the disposable financial resources and fiscal expenditures have increased by more than 50%.

Figure 2 Local Disposable Financial Resources and Financial Expenditure of Guangzhou Development Zone from 2015 to 2018 (Unit: 100 million yuan)


Data source: Guangzhou Statistics Bureau, Zero One Think Tank

Note: Guangzhou Development Zone includes Guangzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone, Guangzhou Free Trade Zone, Guangzhou High-Tech Industrial Development Zone and Guangzhou Export Processing Zone

The growth of the disposable financial resources of the Guangzhou Development Zone is inseparable from the substantial increase in tax revenue brought by the rapid development of the industry in the region, and fiscal expenditure can further provide strong support for the development of the industrial economy, thereby forming a healthy economic growth ecology.

During 2015-2018, the number of high-tech enterprises in Guangzhou High-tech Industrial Development Zone achieved a substantial increase, especially in 2017 and 2018. As of the end of 2018, the number of high-tech enterprises identified in the Guangzhou Hi-tech Zone reached 3,544, an increase of 2,575 compared with 2015, a growth rate of 266%.

Figure 3 Number of high-tech enterprises identified in Guangzhou High-tech Industrial Development Zone from 2015 to 2018


Data source: Guangzhou Statistics Bureau, Zero One Think Tank

(II) Research Development

As an economy with rapid economic development and technological innovation, Guangzhou's scientific research process has also maintained a high level. Statistics show that the R & D expenditure of the whole society in Guangzhou in 2018 reached 60.017 billion yuan, an increase of 12.73% over the previous year and accounting for 2.63% of GDP over the same period.

The R & D expenditure of industrial enterprises above designated size has maintained a steady growth trend from 2015 to 2018. The R & D expenditure of 2018 reached 26.727 billion yuan; the total number of R & D personnel in Guangzhou reached 203,600 in 2018, of which the R & D personnel of industrial enterprises above designated size The number increased rapidly from 2015 to 2017, reaching 95,600 in 2018.

Figure 4 R & D expenditure and number of R & D personnel of industrial enterprises above designated size in Guangzhou, 2015-2018


Data source: Guangzhou Statistics Bureau, Zero One Think Tank

Thanks to R & D expenditures and the high level of input from R & D personnel, the number of patent applications for science and technology in Guangzhou has maintained rapid growth in recent years. In 2018, the total number of patent applications exceeded 170,000, with a growth rate of 46%. This shows that the innovation capabilities of Guangzhou's science and technology enterprises have been increasing in the past two years, and the technology market is becoming more and more dynamic. In addition, the output value of high-tech products in Guangzhou is also increasing year by year. In 2018, it accounted for 48% of the total industrial output value, an increase of 9.8% over 2015.

Figure 5 Guangzhou's patent applications, authorized numbers, and the proportion of industrial high-tech product output value in 2015-2018


Data source: Guangzhou Statistics Bureau, Zero One Think Tank

(3) Talent development

The education and training of talents is the basic driving force to support the long-term development of technology. For Guangzhou, the region has a number of higher education institutions that can provide academic, research, and talented support for the development of blockchain technology.

In terms of cultivating highly-educated talents, Guangzhou has maintained a high output capacity, and the master and doctoral graduates delivered to the society have maintained a steady growth trend. As of the end of 2018, Guangzhou has a total of 22 master's and doctoral training units, with a total of about 25,000 masters and more than 3,000 doctors who have successfully graduated, which has provided strong support for the needs of high-tech talents in technology-based enterprises.

Figure 6 Number of graduates from Guangzhou University in 2015-2018


Data source: Guangzhou Statistics Bureau, Zero One Think Tank

In addition, in terms of professional and technical personnel, the number of professional and technical personnel in Guangzhou is also increasing. In 2018, the total number of professional and technical personnel in Guangzhou has reached 1.76 million, including more than 200,000 technical personnel with senior titles, which can provide sufficient support for the company's targeted talent needs from another aspect.

Figure 7 Changes in the number of professional and technical personnel in Guangzhou from 2015 to 2018 (Unit: 10,000 people)


Data source: Guangzhou Statistics Bureau, Zero One Think Tank

In addition to blockchain professionals, the Bubby Blockchain Research Institute has settled in Huangpu District and Guangzhou Development Zone, and will focus on smart contracts, supply chain finance, supply chain traceability and Transaction matching and its scenario application, focusing on the application research and demonstration promotion of "blockchain + supply chain finance", to create a blockchain research institute with "community" characteristics.

In terms of professional training, for the training of blockchain professionals, Guangzhou has created Guangzhou Huangpu Blockchain Training Academy as a professional blockchain talent platform. The Academy is also the only officially authorized blockchain training institution.

(IV) Guangzhou Blockchain Industry Policy

With the rapid development of blockchain technology, cities across the country have issued corresponding policies, providing policy support and incentives for the industrial development of the blockchain from multiple angles and at various levels. As the pioneers to undertake the development of the Guangzhou blockchain industry cluster, the governments of Huangpu District and Guangzhou Development Zone have issued a series of policies to escort the development of the blockchain industry in the area.

Table 1 Statistics of Guangzhou Blockchain Industry Policy


Source: Public information, Zero One Think Tank

Achievements of the development of the blockchain industry in Guangzhou

In March 2017, Guangzhou announced the development plan of IAB "(a new generation of strategic emerging industries such as information technology, artificial intelligence, and biomedicine), which proposed to achieve the goals of technological innovation and supply-side reform, with blockchain as the starting point, and Promote the application of scenes as the core task, and combine new technologies such as the Internet of Things and 5G to vigorously promote the construction and development of the digital economy industry in the region.

With the establishment of the Guangzhou Blockchain Industry Association, the implementation of the first blockchain industry innovation base in the province, and the application of blockchain technology in multiple scenarios, the blockchain industry cluster ecology in Guangzhou is gradually taking shape. Huangpu District, the economy The development zone is also becoming a new highland for the development of the domestic blockchain industry.

As of October 2019, Huangpu District and Guangzhou Development Zone have gathered nearly 300 blockchain companies, covering financial, government, people's livelihood, manufacturing and other fields.

(I) Blockchain organization

On July 28, 2017, Guangzhou Blockchain Industry Association, the first officially registered blockchain industry association in Guangdong Province, was formally established, filling Guangzhou's blank in the blockchain field. The Association was initiated by 16 units including Guangzhou High-tech Zone Technology Holdings Group Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Opto-Mechanical and Electrical Technology Research Institute, Guangzhou Boao Zongheng Network Technology Co., Ltd. (, and focused on building four bases and one platform.

The blockchain general development platform, the blockchain dual-creation platform, the blockchain industry service platform, and the blockchain innovation base (including the blockchain headquarters economic core area, the blockchain building, the blockchain crowd-creation space, etc. ) To establish a blockchain incubation carrier with a construction area of ​​100,000 square meters, including the Guangzhou Blockchain International Innovation Center, Blockchain Future Space, Antmi Blockchain Chongchuang Space, and Chengtou e Valley Blockchain Incubation Park. Industrial agglomeration has taken shape.

Table 2 Brief introduction of Guangzhou blockchain organization


Source: Guangzhou Blockchain Industry Association, Zero One Think Tank

The rapid development of the Huangpu District blockchain has also attracted the attention of a large number of Hong Kong and Macao enterprises. On November 9, 2018, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Blockchain Alliance, which was jointly created by the Guangzhou Blockchain Industry Association, the Hong Kong Blockchain Industry Association and the University of Macau, was formally established. The headquarters of the alliance is located in Huangpu District and Guangzhou Development Zone. , Hong Kong and Macau respectively set up joint headquarters.

Figure 8 Development vision of the Blockchain Alliance in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area


Source: Guangzhou Blockchain Industry Association, Zero One Think Tank

(2) Blockchain Industry Investment Fund

The establishment of the blockchain fund platform can provide strong financial support for the development of the blockchain industry agglomeration, and the multi-faceted financing channels will help blockchain companies to further open up the rising channels of the capital market. The Guangzhou Blockchain Association continues to promote the implementation of professional investment institutions in Huangpu District and Guangzhou Development Zone, promotes the establishment of professional blockchain investment fund platforms, and further revitalizes the capital resources of the blockchain market by serving high-quality enterprises.

Table 3 Introduction of Guangzhou Blockchain Investment Fund

twenty one

Source: Public information, Zero One Think Tank

(Three) blockchain application

In terms of the application of blockchain technology, Huangpu District and Guangzhou Development Zone have become the pioneers and reformers of the "blockchain +" development in Guangzhou, and have successively achieved the introduction of Guangdong's first special support policy for blockchains. The launch of the e-invoicing blockchain platform and the birth of the country's first enterprise business license processed through the "blockchain + AI" platform, has now further realized the block in the subdivision scenarios such as smart government affairs, smart taxation and smart cities. Application of chain technology.

Table 4 Scenario application of Guangzhou blockchain technology

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Source: Guangzhou Municipal People ’s Government, Zero One Think Tank

(IV) Distribution of Blockchain Industrial Park

The industrial park is the carrier of industrial agglomeration and development. The rapid growth of the industrial park is a natural result of the economic industrialization. With the gradual application of blockchain technology scenarios, the agglomeration and development of blockchain companies has gradually become a new trend, so the blockchain industrial park has begun to grow rapidly across the country.

According to incomplete statistics of the Zero One Think Tank, as of now, there are 35 blockchain industrial parks in the country. In terms of geographical distribution, it is mainly concentrated in cities such as Guangdong, Shanghai, and Hangzhou; Guangdong has six blockchain industrial parks, which account for the largest proportion. From the perspective of city distribution, Guangzhou, Shanghai, and Hangzhou are in the top three. The number of Guangzhou Blockchain Industrial Parks is five, and Shanghai and Hangzhou each have four.

Figure 9 Regional distribution of blockchain industrial parks

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Source: Zero One Think Tank

As far as Guangzhou is concerned, Huangpu District and Guangzhou Development Zone are new highlands for the development and innovation of blockchain technology. At present, Huangpu District has built the Guangzhou Blockchain International Innovation Center, Guangzhou Urban Investment, Zhongguancun e Valley Blockchain Incubator, The four major carriers of Antmi Blockchain Maker Space and Blockchain Future Space. In addition, Guangzhou Yuexiu International Blockchain Industrial Park is located in Yuexiu District.

Figure 10 Regional distribution of Guangzhou Blockchain Industrial Park

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Source: Zero One Think Tank

Combining its superior geographical advantages, Guangzhou is accelerating the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Base with the Guangzhou Blockchain International Innovation Center as its core. The development and application of new technologies such as blockchain is an opportunity to promote the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Digitalization of industrial economy in the region.

(V) Situation of Blockchain Enterprises

According to the statistics on the number of companies that include "blockchain" in the company name / former name / business scope / product information (name), the number of blockchain companies across the country has been increasing rapidly since 2017, compared to 2016, In 2017, the number of registered blockchain companies nationwide increased by 4,195, and the number of new additions in Guangzhou was 2,180, with a growth rate of 637%. According to incomplete statistics of the Zero One Think Tank, as of October 2019, the number of newly registered blockchain companies in Guangzhou was 4,335, and the total number of blockchain companies reached 13,723. It should be noted that most of the "blockchain" companies in the above statistical category have not actually launched blockchain business.

Figure 11 Changes in the number of blockchain industrial parks in Guangzhou from 2010 to 2019


Source: Zero One Think Tank

In terms of specific regional distribution, Tianhe District and Huangpu District are far ahead. The number of registered blockchain companies is 5,341 and 1,699, respectively. This result has a lot to do with the degree of economic development of these two regions. Tianhe District is the seat of Guangzhou's CBD, and its economic and technological development is the most active. Huangpu District is a key area for the development of Guangzhou's blockchain. Therefore, the attraction to the company is relatively high.

Figure 12 Regional distribution of blockchain companies in Guangzhou


Source: Zero One Think Tank

Cases of Guangzhou Blockchain Industrial Park

(1) Guangzhou Blockchain International Innovation Center

Guangzhou Blockchain International Innovation Center is a blockchain industrial park jointly established by Patek and Huangpu District Government. It is located at 136 Banhe Road, Huangpu District, covering an area of ​​15,104 square meters and a building area of ​​6,1307.3 square meters. The two buildings, B and B are for enterprises to settle in. The joint venture between Patek and Zhongchuang Incubator (Participating in Guangzhou) is responsible for the operation of the park.

The park adheres to the "Huangpu-based, bases on the Greater Bay Area, and radiates south China" as the guide, and relies on government policies, uses local resources, serves IAB products, and actively participates in and serves the local economic construction. Guangzhou's most representative industrial park makes its due contribution to the economic development of Huangpu.

According to the research of the Zero One Think Tank, on the positioning of enterprise types, on the one hand, the A building of the Guangzhou Blockchain International Innovation Center mainly introduces leading enterprises with mature development and a certain size, aiming to create high-end industrial clusters. On the other hand, Building B is mainly aimed at technology startup small and micro enterprises. This model can not only promote the leading role of leading enterprises in small and micro enterprises, but also help to build a good cooperation and development ecology between enterprises. At present, the park has 53 companies, and the occupancy rate has exceeded 60%.

In terms of services and policies, resident companies can enjoy "10 Blockchain (Version 1.0)", "Detailed Rules for Accelerating the Leading of the Blockchain Industry (Version 2.0)", "Implementation Measures for Hong Kong and Macao Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship", and "Gold Inlaid Series Policy "to provide support and guarantee for the development of enterprises.

(II) Guangzhou Antmi Blockchain Maker Space

Antmi Space is operated by Guangzhou Antmi Incubator Co., Ltd. and is the first open source community in Guangdong to create space. It is located in Huangmi District No. 31 Guangshan Third Road, Antmi Shuangchuang Park, covering an area of ​​6000 square meters, including maker space, leisure area, road performance area, square area and other functional areas.

Space, as an incubation vehicle for youth entrepreneurship, promotes the development of start-up projects and enterprises through the strong support of technical soft power injection, industrial resource supply, one-to-one project training and coaching, closed special training camps, and direct investment. Transformation of results.

Relying on a number of companies under Antmi Holdings, the “Education, Incubation, Innovation, and Funds” four-in-one closed-loop model promotes the development of space enterprises and projects. Antmi Fund has invested in more than 30 projects. In terms of value-added services, Antmi Makerspace provides financing docking, policy consulting, intellectual property rights, market development, technical cooperation and exchange, legal services, financial agency, tax planning, entrepreneurship training, etc., providing a full range of services for the resident team.

(3) Guangzhou Chengtou · Zhongguancun e Valley Blockchain Incubator

Guangzhou Chengtou · Zhongguancun e Valley Blockchain Incubator was settled in Huangpu, Guangzhou on September 4, 2017. It covers an area of ​​20,000 square meters. It is jointly established by Guangzhou Urban Construction Investment Group Co., Ltd. and Zhongguancun Yigu (Beijing) Technology Service Co., Ltd. An eco-industrial gathering area built on the theme of blockchain, big data, and new-generation information technology.

Guangzhou Chengtou · Zhongguancun e- Valley Blockchain Incubator aims to introduce a number of brand enterprises with high market maturity, good product benefits, large output value taxation, and high-growth innovative projects to create a complete infrastructure, standardized operation and management, A characteristic demonstration park with a clear business model, a complete entrepreneurial chain, a coordinated industrial chain, complete service functions, and a strong demonstration role.

In terms of services, Guangzhou Chengtou · Zhongguancun egu Blockchain Incubator has a complete service system, including 6 types of service products, 2 service platforms, and 4 major support systems, which can provide a full range of services and guidance for enterprises settled.

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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