Weekly News | Important economies have expressed their stance on digital currency, digital currency rebound resistance

Weekly summary

  • Last week, the average daily market value of global digital currency assets was US$220.226 billion, down 2.61%, and the average daily trading volume was US$53.418 billion, down 8.44%.
  • Market value TOP200 assets fell 2.53% overall, and the four major sectors fell. Among them, the industry's public chain sector fell the most, reaching 5.1%.
  • This week, the new listing transaction will be one.
  • A total of three projects were completed last week, and the soft top of the project totaled $3.65 million.
  • The four blockchain projects received equity financing with a financing amount of more than $65 million.
  • OKEx Investment Research: The mainstream currency led by BTC rebounded heavily, and the multi-cycle cost line was significantly suppressed.

Market overview

Last week, the average daily market value of global digital currency assets was US$220.226 billion, down 2.61%, and the average daily trading volume was US$53.418 billion, down 8.44%.

Market value TOP5 (BTC, ETH, XRP, USDT and BCH), the average daily market value decreased by 2.93% from the previous week; the average daily trading volume decreased by 8.48% from the previous week. ETH's biggest drop in the week was the highest, reaching 8.92%.

TOP200 market analysis

Last week's market value of TOP200 assets fell by 2.53% as a whole, and all four major sectors fell. Among them, the industry's public chain sector fell the most, reaching 5.1%.

In the industry's public chain and application, according to the industry's further subdivision, most of the fields fell, with the medical care sector falling the most, reaching 46.27%.

From the perspective of individual currency gains, WGR was the highest in the last week's market value of TOP200, reaching 104.56%.

New listing assets analysis

OKEx, Binance, HuobiGlobal, Bitfinex, Bitmumb, ZB.com, Upbit, HitBTC, Bittrex, Poloniex and other 30 trading platforms, one new listing transaction.

Primary market financing

There were 3 projects closed last week, and the total soft top of the project was 3.65 million US dollars. Among them, FESS Chain belongs to the financial sector, with a project soft top of 3.5 million US dollars; Azultec belongs to the data service field, Soft Top is not disclosed; Miracle Tele belongs to the financial field, and the project soft top is 150,000 US dollars.

Last week, it disclosed 4 blockchain projects that completed equity financing, with a financing amount of more than US$65 million.

List of regulatory policies

Giant layout

Big coffee said

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