Bibox and IEO starting project SKR "reverse" behind: 10 million guarantees?

If IEO was seen as a carnival and game before, it would become a farce to Bibox. The "friends" who originally played in the group were now arrogant. As the two sides issued statements blaming each other, Bibox and SKR opened the tears to open the cruel side of the IEO carnival.

Deep Chain Finance interviewed the two sides of the incident separately, and behind the mutual accusations, a dispute of about 10 million margins emerged.

Bibox off the SKR, both sides snoring

"Bibox has asked the SKR Foundation for a huge amount of protection fees." "This is totally filthy to us…"

On April 22nd, on the day of the IBO on Bibox, Bibox removed one of the four projects previously scheduled for SKR. Immediately as the project side, SKR and the platform side Bibox launched a tit-for-tat snoring sound.

SKR said that Bibox asked for huge protection fees, and Bibox said that SKR is filthy.

Everything started on the morning of April 22.

Around 8 o'clock, Bibox issued a notice saying: "In view of the fact that the Staking (SKR) project party failed to control the large amount of off-site quotas, after the rounds of negotiations between the Bibox Orbit team and the project side, the market credit spillover phenomenon has not been effectively controlled. In order to protect the rights of community users, Bibox decided that the first Bibox Orbit event will not be launched (SKR)."

Around 11 o'clock, the Staking Foundation responded with a four-point response to SKR's removal from the media:

First, the SKR Foundation has not received any Bibox official inquiry about its off-site quota;

Second, the reason why the SKR Foundation terminated the IEO was the Bibox’s reversal of the restrictions on the currency and the excessive intervention in the secondary market price;

Third, from April 17th to April 22nd, Bibox asked the SKR Foundation for a huge protection fee;

Fourth, the SKR Foundation reserves the right to publish other relevant evidence.

In addition, SKR announced its wallet address:

0xb20b544e88282bbc01ae97733f3320e1e97a6796 to prove that it did not have any tokens transferred out.

In response to the Staking Foundation's accusation, Bibox immediately released the "Staking (SKR) team's statement of false statements", reaffirming the reason why the stellar plan to suspend the launch of Staking (SKR).

And said that the Staking (SKR) team spreads false statements around, trying to smear Bibox, will retain the right to pursue legal responsibility, and no longer respond to such false news.

SKR under the Rashomon

In the above dispute, Shenzhen Chain Financial interviewed the relevant personnel of Bibox and SKR respectively and found that the dispute between Bibox and SKR is mainly concentrated in three parts: whether Bibox has made an over-the-counter inquiry for SKR, and whether SKR has released the over-the-counter quota. And a $1.55 million deposit dispute.

Regarding whether or not an off-site amount inquiry was made, both parties held one word.

Bibin's head Christina told Deep Chain Finance that after Bibox announced the first phase of the stellar project, it received feedback from many community community users that the SKR project side had a large share of the off-site sales. After several rounds of communication with the SKR project, Bibox asked the SKR project to make a public response.

The SKR project issued a statement on the Internet on April 19 stating that it had no quota on the sidelines, reminding users to prevent being deceived. However, after the announcement, the Bibox platform still received a lot of user feedback, saying that the off-site quota for the SKR project is still in circulation and for sale.

So Bibox officially indicated to the SKR project that if there is a large amount of off-market share, Bibox will impose restrictions on the opening of the transaction, but the SKR project strongly opposes the proposal.

SKR project investor Steven said: No one in Bibox officially asked about private equity. (As the project's investor, Steven, who basically witnessed the entire communication of Bibox, acted as an external spokesperson for SKR and told the facts he knew.)

“At the time, I found some projects to raise funds on the sidelines. I took a screenshot of the off-site fundraising of the project to the Bibox owner. I said that it’s all played now? The person in charge only made a laugh. I asked the responsible person why the other projects were crazy fundraising on the sidelines. The person in charge said that I heard that you were also very fierce. I explained that we are all members of the community who are shouting for us. Did not release a coin, the address has not been moved."

Steven said that because of the announcement that "SKR has no private equity" through the media, they said that they found a lot of malicious proxy investment.

"We found that there were some malicious generations that didn't know which project to come from. They would deliberately lower the competitor's offer and then put the money up. For example, there may be some other projects. We shouted, but they didn't have our quota at all. After he shouted, he collected the money. He said that he was embarrassed when he sent the coin at the last minute. He didn't vote, and returned the money. He was disturbed in this way. market."

Does SKR have an over-the-counter quota?

Regarding whether there is an over-the-counter quota for SKR, Steven said, “In order to market heat and publicity needs, everyone is shouting outside, but we have not let go of a coin, and we have not taken any money from the proxy because we are not sure about it. Will it lock the position, we will take it back and return it, it makes no sense."

It can also be seen from the smart contract address given by SKR that the 50 billion SKR tokens are concentrated in two addresses, one of which has only one token. "Only one token is the test address."

However, Steven also acknowledged that SKR has plans to sell quotas, and partners with some communities said that if SKR can trade on the exchange, it will sell some quota.

Steven told Deep Chain Finance that in fact the Force Protocol (FOR), Ludos (LUD) and X-Block (IX) on the BiboxIEO were released off-site, and they have released the coins.

"About the extra-country quota before the passage of the ditch, the share of the four projects can only be released through the No. 22 stellar plan, can not be released in advance, if released in advance, the stellar plan will have no meaning, everyone will buy on the stellar plan No longer fair and just."

For the other three projects besides SKR, there is also an off-site quota. Bibox leader Christina sent a message to Deep Chain Finance on a WeChat copy of the Ludos founder's reply. "We didn't unlock, all locked."

In Christina's view, when Bibox mentioned that it might suspend the replenishment, SKR expressed very strong opposition. If there is no off-market share, why do they have such a big opinion on the suspension?

"If they don't control the off-market share and don't agree to suspend the charge, the risk of the project will be very high. It is a kind of harm to our users and other users who trust the project."

For limited replenishment, Steven said that this is because Bibox only considers its own users and does not consider the performance of the project community.

$1.55 million in margin dispute

Although the explanation given by Bibox about the off-shelf SKR is that “the project party failed to control the large amount of off-site quotas”, in Steven's view, the real reason behind this is that SKR did not meet Bibox's excessive requirements in terms of money.

"We have been incubating SKR for a long time, and the project has not been on the exchange. Recently, there has been an IEO boom. As an investor, we are also working hard to promote SKR, so we have contacted several exchanges. One day, the owner of Bibox ran to follow We talked, we talked very well, and the other party gave us a lot of positive signals. Then we started to push forward. Let’s make a deposit of 200,000 dollars, but nothing is told to us, just saying that we can Give us a start."

Just after giving $200,000 to Bibox, SKR got the news that Bibox's IEO will launch four projects at a time, in addition to SKR, The Force Protocol (FOR), Ludos (LUD) and X-Block. (IX).

“Without any contract, Bibox forced us to pay a total of $300,000 in deposits like toothpaste.”

"On the night of Saturday, Bibox told us that we would pay 1.55 million US dollars (about 10.4 million yuan), because we must ensure that the price of the currency is 10 times, and we must put the money on the exchange to ensure that we will not After we made this request, we said that it is not impossible to pay the money, but we have a community outside, we have some requests for replenishment. The other party said that the replenishment may not be able to open, depending on the situation."

Steven said that there was room for discussion before the addition of Bibox, but he never gave a formal thing.

"We couldn't help it until Sunday. You asked me to make $1.55 million. You gave me a contract. They said that there was no contract that night. Let us draft the contract and they will come to the trial."

However, when SKR gave the proposed contract to Bibox, Bibox deleted the contents of the $1.55 million deposit.

This picture is provided by SKR: left is the modified contract of Bibox, right is the contract drafted by SKR


“Bibox has been urging us to pay $1.55 million, but I am not willing to write this in the contract.”

Regarding the issue of margin, Bibox leader Christina said: Regarding insurance premiums, the project will pledge a certain amount of credit insurance, which is used to prevent the project party from appearing to ignore the principle of market fairness and transparency, maliciously operating the market, and intending to seek unprofitable profits. Set. At present, Bibox has not started the Intensive Insurance Fund, and the insurance money will be returned to the project party. However, if there is any behavior caused by the project party, resulting in irreversible loss of the user, triggering the insurance fund start condition, Bibox will enable the insurance premium. Paying for user losses.

As for why the $1.5 million guarantee was not included in the contract, Christina did not respond positively.

Since the advent of IEO, it has been considered as the “cluster play” between the exchange and the project side. In order to obtain the flow, the exchange has to get what it needs for marketing. The Bibox and SKR tears seem to reflect the cruelty of the IEO carnival. One side: there is no eternal friend, only eternal interests.


This article is the original deep chain Deepchain ( ID: deepchainvip) . Unauthorized reproduction is prohibited.

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