Articles about Blockchain - Section 98
Interpreting Polkadot 2.0 What are the impacts of the new parachain leasing mechanism on the demand and value of DOT?
What changes have occurred in resource allocation in Polkadot 2.0? What impact may it have on the demand and value of...
No More ‘Game Over’ Why is On-Chain Modification Rising?
Once the module becomes economically viable and permanent through blockchain, there will be a large influx of mod con...
Intent centric or could become a new innovation that triggers a huge wave
Cryptocurrency analyst Haotian believes that the key to determining whether a new innovation can create a huge wave l...
NFT Digital Collectibles Platform Involved in Crime, How is the Criminal Amount Determined?
In this article, we will analyze three common accusations often associated with domestic NFT digital collectible plat...
The right and wrong of zkSync and Polygon are escalating into a dispute over the open-source spirit.
Today, a war of words revolving around plagiarism broke out between two L2 giants, which also attracted the attention...
ERC-4337 User On-chain Activity Analysis What are the new opportunities?
Vitalik describes the adoption of smart contract wallets as one of the most significant changes Ethereum is currently...
Copying code from zkSync? Polygon Zero and Matter Labs engage in a remote confrontation.
Polygon's official zero-knowledge proof team, Polygon Zero, publicly criticizes zkSync, claiming that it has copied P...
Hong Kong allows retail investors to buy and sell virtual assets on two exchanges, and one company’s stock price has risen by more than 60%.
On August 3rd, Hong Kong cryptocurrency exchanges HashKey and OSL announced on the same day that they have obtained u...
Behind the Curve Attack DeFi Contracting the ‘Yield Disease
DeFi, Curve The Attack Incident Reveals the Yield Disease Afflicting DeFi. The LianGuai and Curve attack incident has...
The Power Struggle behind the Stablecoin Bill Regulatory Dispute between the Federal Government and States, Beyond Partisan Politics.
The most interesting aspect of the stablecoin bill controversy is not the competition between the two parties, but th...

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