Blur V2 is now online, with updates including a 50% reduction in Gas fees and bidding based on Trait.

Blur V2 is now online with updates that reduce Gas fees by 50% and enable bidding based on Trait.

Blur has announced the launch of Blur V2, with two major updates including a 50% reduction in gas fees and bidding based on Traits. Blur states that as part of the upgrade, bids made on Blur V1 will no longer be valid, and users will need to make new bids on Blur V2. With the current gas prices, buying an NFT on Blur V2 can save $16. All smart contracts on Blur V2 have been audited by Chain Light. Blur V2 also allows users to bid on different rarity levels and any Traits, with only specified NFT Trait bids eligible for points. Users can earn more points by bidding on Traits of 12 NFTs such as Punks, Degods, and Milady’s. Additionally, Blur has announced the launch of lending, BNPL provided by Blend, mobile support, notifications, Trait bidding, and gas optimization for the second season, with three key developments yet to be disclosed.


We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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