An Instrument for Observation, Decision-making, and Trading – Friend Tech Tools.

Friend Tech Tools - an all-in-one solution for observing, decision-making, and trading.

Author: Ke.K, Source: Author’s Twitter @justapein

About @friendtech’s tool introduction. When the English version was introduced, Friendtech’s TVL was less than 10 million, but now, in less than two days, TVL has doubled to 20 million!! Over 5 million has been distributed to creators. Now, let’s summarize in Chinese what tools you can use to better observe and make decisions when playing Friendtech!

1. How to use FrenTech on a computer:

– Open with Chrome, then click on the top right corner “…” for more options and find dev tools;

– Scroll down to “Show Network Conditions”. Find “User Agent” – uncheck “use browser default” and select “Chrome iPhone”;

– Finally, remember to download this to the desktop.

2. Trading tool section

– Founder @_anishagnihotri is a former researcher at LianGuairadigm;

– The most attractive feature is the ability to buy and sell keys in batches (but the problem is that you cannot search for users);

– You can see the price trend chart of users;

– New user monitoring and ranking table. built by @risedle

– A more user-friendly interface, you can view the ranking table of top, most popular, highest spending, and most profitable users;

– Currently, there is no trading function, but soon, built by @NFTommo;

– Provides more detailed data, but the drawback is that you need to buy the founder’s key by @OctavFi – You can view user points and total spending;

– You can use this tool to view the details of individual users, but you still cannot trade.

3. Derivatives section

FrenTech Index by @HyperliquidX;

– Initially based on total TVL, but later changed to track the median of the top 20 due to concerns about price manipulation. Perpetual trading @FTSX_protocol;

– Contract trading is on the way;

Lending protocol @frenlend

– What happens when FrenTech meets a lending protocol? Spiral rise or death explosion?

– It is said that the product is not yet online, but his key has skyrocketed.

FrenTech ETF/Index

– Doesn’t it sound bullish? If FrenTech doesn’t issue coins, we’ll help you issue them first. Currently, there is no such product, but you can follow these two @friendtechetf @friendtechindex.

4. Dune chart section… by @tomwanhh

– Display TVL growth, revenue, expenses, and user count;

– Trading statistics and creator income;

– MEV sniper robot activity and impact;…… by @CryptoKoryo

– Display the price trend of the header user;

There are some others:…………—friend-finder-0zga4H…—……

5. TG bot @frenbotTech

– This is my most bullish LianGuairt, but at present, I have only seen one that is slightly more reliable, which has reached a market capitalization of 5m. Currently, it provides new user reminders and buy orders, and copy trading and follow-up functions are coming soon.

If you have any recommended tools, you can also send them to me. You are also welcome to join my FrenTech circle to communicate together!!

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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