Viewpoint: How do Web3 game players become losers?

Viewpoint: Why do Web3 gamers lose?

Encrypted KOL Yuzhong Kuangshui shared his views on Web3 games, believing that Web3 games are not meant to overthrow the mature gaming industry, but rather to provide a new dimension for games to meet the needs of different players.

How do Web3 game players become losers? We can consider most of the current encrypted games and DeFi protocols as Ponzi games that attract liquidity injection through token incentives. They try to prolong their lifespan by creating applications and destruction scenarios for tokens or locking tokens to delay their release, but they still cannot solve the selling pressure caused by token release, eventually leading to death. In the end, early participants and smart people make money and leave, leaving Web3 players who hope to play the game as losers.

What does P2E bring to Web3 games? P2E brings economic rewards and a huge amount of attention to Web3 games, but it also overly financializes Web3 games and seems to have set the market thinking pattern as X-to-Earn. But the fact proves that X-to-Earn will only bring Ponzi, even if it is mixed with other elements such as sports. Essentially, X-to-Earn only provides people with a function of demanding value from the entire economic system, and a vibrant economic system should be mutual, that is, people will actively exchange goods and services, and provide and obtain value.

Are Web3 games a false proposition? In my conception, Web3 games are not X-to-Earn, but Play-to-X. Web3 has the opportunity to take games to the next level, such as changing the existing business model of game developers and obtaining revenue during the game production process, and providing funding support for subsequent production. A smarter economic system also makes the game itself open and transparent, without worrying about unfair environments caused by centralized black box operations of publishers/developers. There are also asset ownership and achievement certificates, which can extend some token-represented game assets to other games or generate linkages, which also extends the composability advantage of Web3 games.


We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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